Nat Bilderberg from 1982 onwards (International) 82 88 89 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00
____(function is at last attendance; x st - 10 years to Dec 98; note: this table lists all those indicated as 'International', including many from other tables, and gives country of origin, where known) (st) AT (st) DE FR GR FI CH CN US UK PT BE
UK Avery, Graham; Chief Adviser for Enlargement, European Community x
SV Bildt, Carl, Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for the Balkans, United Nations, ex-PM x x x x x x
DK Bjerregaard, Ritt, Member of the European Commission; Ex-Labour MP x x
IT Bonino, Emma - Member of the European Commission x
NL Bottelier, Pieter P., Chief of Mission, The World Bank, Resident Mission in China x
UK Brittan, Leon - Vice President of the European Commission x x
NL Broeck, Hans van den, Member of the European Commission; ex-Foreign Minister x x
BE Cadieux, Jean-Louis, Deputy DG for Foreign Affairs, European Community x
CN Chipman, John, Director, International Institute for Strategic Studies (invited) x?
BE Claes, Willy, Secretary General NATO, ex Foreign Minister x x
CN Courtis, Kenneth S. - First Vice President, Research Dept., Deutsche Bank Asia Pacific x x
UK Crockett, Andrew - General Manager, Bank for International Settlements x
CH Dunkel, Arthur, Director General, GATT x x x
CN Fréchette, Louise; Deputy Secretary-General, United Nations x
FR Heisbourg, Francois, Director, International Institute for Strategic Studies x
DE Issing, H.C. Otmar. Member of Exec Board, European Central Bank. x x x
CN Johnston, Donald J. Secretary-General, OECD. x
NL Kohnstamm, Max - Snr Conslt, European Policy Ctr, ex-SG Action Cttee for Europe, etc ad ad (ad) ad ad (ad) ad ad ad (ad) ad
BE Lamfalussy, Alexandre (Baron), GM, Bank for International Settlements x x
FR Lamy, Pascal; Member of the European Commission x
FI Liikanen, Erkki - Member of the European Commission x
? Marris, Stephen N, snr fellow, Institute for International Econs; ex-OECD x
BE Miert, Karel van, Member of the European Commission x
IT Monti, Mario - Commissioner (x st); ex-Bocconi Univ; ex-Banca Commerciale Italiana st st st st st x x x
NZ Moore, Mike; Director-General, WTO x
IT Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso, Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank x x x
FR Paye, Jean-Claude, Secretary General, OECD x
UK Prendergast, Kieran - Under-Secertary General for Political Affairs, United Nations x
IT Ruggiero, Renato, Vice-Chair, Schroder Salomon Smith Barney; ex-WTO, ex-Trade Mnstr x st st st st (st) (st) x
DE Schwab, Klaus. President, World Economic Forum. x x x
ES Solana Madariaga, Javier; Secretary General, Council of the European Union x x
US Fischer, Stanley - First Deputy Managing Director, International Monetary Fund x x x
DE Steeg, Helga, Executive Director, International Energy Agency x x x
NL Vries, Gijs M. de Chairman, Leader of Liberal Group, European Parliament. x x
DE Wegener, Henning, Asst Secretary General for Political Affairs, NATO x
US Wolfensohn, James D. President, The World Bank; ex-Pres James D Wolfensohn Inc x x x st st st st st st x x
DE Wörner, Manfred, Secretary General of NATO x x x

Codes: x-attending, ch-Chairman, sg-Secretary General, tr-Treasurer, ad-Advisory Group, st-Steering Committee, rp-rapporteur; brackets ( ) generally mean officer not attending, but for 1989 (st) means not clear due to absence of information;
AT-Austria, BE-Belgium, BG-Bulgaria, CH-Switzerland, CN-Canada, CZ-Czech Republic, DE-Germany, DK-Denmark, ES-Spain, FI-Finland, FR-France, GR-Greece, HU-Hungary, IC-Iceland, IN-International, IR-Ireland, IT-Italy, LU-Luxembourg, NL-Netherlands, NO-Norway, NZ-New Zealand, PL-Poland, PT-Portugal, RU-Russia, SV-Sweden, TR-Turkey, UK-United Kingdom, UR-Ukraine, US-USA, YU-Yugoslavia

82(st): Steering Committee list;
88 list: original List of Participants;
89(st): partial Steering Committee list;
91, 92 and 93 lists: taken from Spotlight;
92 Steering Committee list, extracted from Armen Victorian piece in Nexus Magazine;
94 list: original, plus Tony Gosling ( and Spotlight;
95 list: Tony Gosling (Alberta Reporter) and elements from Spotlight;
96 list: Spotlight and Tony Gosling;
97 list: Tony Gosling, Lobster Magazine and Spotlight;
97 Steering Committee list: original from Bilderberg Meetings
98 list: original Participant List, and Parascope;
99 list: Portuguese News Weekly, Tony Gosling, Big Issue/Schnews - Bilderberg Minutes, and Spotlight;
2000 list: kindly provided by the Bilderberg Meetings;
Ex-Steering Committee members over the last 10 years (x st) - letter to Patricia McKenna MEP from Bilderberg Meetings, 3.12.98

(Thanks to Tony Gosling, Patricia McKenna, Armen Victorian, Jim Bogusz, Lobster, Nexus, Klaus Kopf, Jim Tucker, Spotlight, News Weekly, Big Issue/Schnews, Parascope and Bilderberg meetings)