Bilderberg from 1982 onwards (Iceland) 82 88 89 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00
____(function is at last attendance; x st - 10 years to Dec 98) (st) AT (st) D E FR GR FI CH CN US UK PT BE
Hallgrimsson Geir, Governor Central Bank of Iceland; ex-PM and For. Minister (x st) st st st
Bjarnasson, Bjorn, Min Culture and Ed, Iceland; ex-MP Indep. Party; ex-Morgunbladid x x x x
Oddsson, David, Prime Minister, Iceland; ex-Mayor Reykjavik, Chair Independence Party x x x x x
Schmidheiny, Stephan, Chair Anova Holdings x x
Sigurdsson, Jón, Minister of Trade and Industry x

Codes: x-attending, ch-Chairman, sg-Secretary General, tr-Treasurer, ad-Advisory Group, st-Steering Committee, rp-rapporteur; brackets ( ) generally mean officer not attending, but for 1989 (st) means not clear due to absence of information;
AT-Austria, BE-Belgium, BG-Bulgaria, CH-Switzerland, CN-Canada, CZ-Czech Republic, DE-Germany, DK-Denmark, ES-Spain, FI-Finland, FR-France, GR-Greece, HU-Hungary, IC-Iceland, IN-International, IR-Ireland, IT-Italy, LU-Luxembourg, NL-Netherlands, NO-Norway, NZ-New Zealand, PL-Poland, PT-Portugal, RU-Russia, SV-Sweden, TR-Turkey, UK-United Kingdom, UR-Ukraine, US-USA, YU-Yugoslavia

82(st): Steering Committee list;
88 list: original List of Participants;
89(st): partial Steering Committee list;
91, 92 and 93 lists: taken from Spotlight;
92 Steering Committee list, extracted from Armen Victorian piece in Nexus Magazine;
94 list: original, plus Tony Gosling ( and Spotlight;
95 list: Tony Gosling (Alberta Reporter) and elements from Spotlight;
96 list: Spotlight and Tony Gosling;
97 list: Tony Gosling, Lobster Magazine and Spotlight;
97 Steering Committee list: original from Bilderberg Meetings
98 list: original Participant List, and Parascope;
99 list: Portuguese News Weekly, Tony Gosling, Big Issue/Schnews - Bilderberg Minutes, and Spotlight;
2000 list: kindly provided by the Bilderberg Meetings;
Ex-Steering Committee members over the last 10 years (x st) - letter to Patricia McKenna MEP from Bilderberg Meetings, 3.12.98

(Thanks to Tony Gosling, Patricia McKenna, Armen Victorian, Jim Bogusz, Lobster, Nexus, Klaus Kopf, Jim Tucker,Spotlight , News Weekly, Big Issue/Schnews, Parascope and Bilderberg meetings)