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News & Discussion: Bilderberg Steering Group and conferences  
No new posts Bilderberg 2025, 10-15 June, Grand Hotel, Södra Blasieholmshamnen 8, 103 27, Stockholm, Sweden
With the twin 4th Reich wars in Ukraine and Gaza which the Bilderbergers love so much there is plenty for Mr Thiel and his Steering Committee to feel happy about. But what of Japan and the Philippines? Can they be convinced to sacrifice themselves like Ukraine did?? Lucky isn't it that Yale University had the foresight to set up and then control the Chinese Communist Party through their protege Mao and so set up a parallel coven there for WWIII. Trouble is, as the word gets out they may have to rush into a global conflict they haven't quite thought through. What fun these power-drunk, Tolkien plagiarising, Palantir, Mithril, Andruil Accelerationists are having!
1 1 Sun Sep 15, 2024 9:02 pm
TonyGosling View latest post
No new posts Anglo-Zionist/China War Machine & Totalitarian Superstate
Within the pseudo democratic EU etc. an international 'Rogue Network' is pushing for what diseased minds have wanted for centuries - Totalitarian World Government. This is the place to discuss the emergence of what Mussolini & Hitler's ideology was the prototype for - A 'New World Order'.
Moderator willow the wip
370 925 Sun Nov 10, 2024 12:29 pm
igdg2000 View latest post
No new posts Bilderberg 2024: Madrid, Spain 30May-03Jun Eurostars Suites Mirasierra hotel
Diabolical - excusing Gaza genocide - inching closer to Scottish RIte Grand Master Albert Pike's WWIII. The aim of which is ultimately Luciferian...? Fu Manchu/Aleister Crowley 2024 Year Of The Dragon!
8 21 Tue Jul 23, 2024 11:38 am
TonyGosling View latest post
This forum is locked: you cannot post, reply to, or edit topics. Bilderberg Conference 2023 Lisbon Portugal 17-21 May Pestana Palace Hotel 4th Reich convenes
Occult Geopolitics: NATO Political lobby - dark forces are now almost fully in charge in the NATO countries - destroying democratic institutions with Martin Bormann's Fourth Reich - TWO BOOKS explain how this was done after WWII by King George VI, Major Desmond Morton and the Masonic Satanic gangsters: Martin Bormann Nazi In Exile, by Paul Manning (1985) and Op JB by Christopher Creighton (1996). Read 'em!
6 8 Thu Jul 18, 2024 11:59 am
Whitehall_Bin_Men View latest post
This forum is locked: you cannot post, reply to, or edit topics. Bilderberg Conference 2022, 02-05 June, Washington DC with Shell, BP profits through the roof and 99 yr old Kissinger's WWIII now ready via Ukraine
Henry MUST get to see Pike's Scottish Rite 'Great Plan' for Three World Wars - his chaos has been seeded in Palestine and Ukraine - plus other flashpoints ready to go. Governments of Sri Lanka and Pakistan deposed by the CIA for failing to vote for (evil Putin'a) Russia sanctions at the UN. That's why Henry put Ukraine at the BOTTOM of the 2022 agenda - YEAH RIGHT!
1 7 Mon Jun 13, 2022 2:25 pm
TonyGosling View latest post
This forum is locked: you cannot post, reply to, or edit topics. Bilderberg Conference 2021 In Their Underground Bunker As Their Police State WWIII Armageddon Plan Oozes Out
For decades the Illuminati's 'Propaganda Committees' around the world, but centred in the NATO countries, have been infiltrating government and religion like a cancer. Now they believe they have enough control through the mass media, finance, big pharma, politics and the faiths, its time to go for broke. To launch the final stage of their doomed bid take over the world. The democracies have already been reduced to disillusionment and misery by years of their immoral policies and austerity undermining the legitimacy of government so the time may be right for the new smiling, Hitler-like man-god messiah, or Antichrist, the white horse, to step out on the world stage? Mastermind Henry Kissinger is desperate to see the plan for world domination put into action, if not concluded, by the time he dies so perhaps he is pushing things along too fast. Let's hope so.
18 28 Tue May 24, 2022 3:03 pm
kevink View latest post
This forum is locked: you cannot post, reply to, or edit topics. Bilderberg conference 2020 supposedly cancelled. Speculation/leaks. NATO/Brussels superstate dying, or exploding?
Thiel, Schmidt, Kissinger and the rest have a few problems with their plans for world domination - but their Israel Iran war plans are going well - again problems coming down the tracks that as their Albert Pike war gets bigger it'll be clear quite quickly that they will lose...
12 35 Tue Feb 23, 2021 7:32 am
kevink View latest post
This forum is locked: you cannot post, reply to, or edit topics. Bilderberg Conference 2019, 30May-02Jun Fairmont Montreux Palace, Switzerland. Mont Pelerin Society 'in joke'
Latest news about Bilderberg Conference 2019 confirmed from May 30 to June 02, Fairmont Montreux Palace, Switzerland. Avenue Claude Nobs 2 · 1820 Montreux · Phone: +41 21 962 12 12
30 74 Thu Jan 30, 2020 11:59 pm
TonyGosling View latest post
This forum is locked: you cannot post, reply to, or edit topics. Bilderberg Conference 2018, June 7-10, NH Torino Lingotto Congress, Turin, Italy
Will Italy's vote against the Euro and EU be simply cancelled by the Mafia president Mozzarella? Will these transhumanist Julius Evola ultra-fascist globalist psychopaths get their war with Iran? Or will their Saruman human traitors at Goldman Sachs press the detonator on their £166 trillion and counting debt bomb that Mervin King warned us of in February? Or both!?! Will the ghosts of Albert Pike and Giuseppe Mazzini be laid to rest like several other diabolical statues from the America Civil War have been recently? Who will sit next to Kissinger at this year's Saturday night supper party? Surely the world deserves better governance than this, and better journalism to expose the steering committee for the high priests of war profiteering and human sacrifice that they are....
28 101 Tue Nov 19, 2019 8:47 pm
TonyGosling View latest post
This forum is locked: you cannot post, reply to, or edit topics. Bilderberg Conference 2017: 1-4th June, Westfields Marriott, Chantilly, Virginia 20151, USA
All indications were that Bilderberg would return to their counter-spiritual US hegemonic home in 2017 and now their favourite Westfields Marriott, Chantilly has been block-booked between 1-4 June this year. With the criminal elite looking to spark their long-planned Israel/Iran war they'll be pleased to have the willing help of their new Public Relations operative Donald Trump, who'll conveniently ignore the facts that Operation Cyclone and the CIA/MI6/Mossad being behind ISIS & all other Islamic terrorism, blame the victim, and, hypnotised by the pro-Zionist media, mainstream and 'alternative', back Israel's war criminal president Benjamin Netanyahu against Iran's new president. In 2000, British politician Denis Healey, who had been involved in Bilderberg for decades, told the Guardian, “To say we were striving for a one-world government is exaggerated, but not wholly unfair. Those of us in Bilderberg felt we couldn’t go on forever fighting one another for nothing and killing people and rendering millions homeless. So we felt that a single community throughout the world would be a good thing.”
35 79 Sat Jul 01, 2017 2:10 pm
TonyGosling View latest post
This forum is locked: you cannot post, reply to, or edit topics. Bilderberg Conference 2016: 9-12 June, Hotel Taschenbergpalais, Dresden, Germany.
Ah, the entire APEX of the German government will be here, top six prostitute-politicians. As the Dis-United States of Europe project makes it doubly obvious, through migrant and finance devastation, how utterly unable it is to run the 500m population continent for the benefit of anyone other than the 1%, Bilderberg comes back to Prince Bernhard and the Abwehr's home. Why bother to keep moving the Trojan Horse back across the Atlantic, makes it too obvious Bilderberg is CIA/NAZI plot to dominate Europe then. Your best thoughts, links and leaks please ;-)
41 159 Fri Nov 25, 2016 12:55 pm
TonyGosling View latest post
This forum is locked: you cannot post, reply to, or edit topics. Bilderberg Conference 2015: June 11-14, Interalpen Hotel, Tyrol, nr Innsbruck, Austria. Nazi ratline where Martin Bormann's wife lived
Like something from an Ian Fleming James Bond film in which 007 nails the appropriate villains, this year's meeting takes place in blue-blood Bilderberg country. Near the centre of the global money power: Bank For International Settlements (BIS), near the Swiss Alpine Nazi loot stashes, as well as Bilderberg's eighteenth century Bavarian cult heartland and only a two hour drive from Hitler's birthplace. This year's Saturday excursion perhaps? More and more are becoming aware of Bilderberg's roots in the Oosterbeek 'witches cauldron' and Nazism. Do read Paul Manning's 'Martin Bormann Nazi in Exile', note the names of the current Bilderberg families in there, and put two and two together.
17 72 Thu Jul 23, 2015 1:16 am
TonyGosling View latest post
This forum is locked: you cannot post, reply to, or edit topics. Bilderberg Conference 2014: 29 May to 01 June - Copenhagen Marriott, Denmark
Ladies and gentlemen, NATO's fascist elite are back in Northern Europe for 2014. Well it'll be difficult to build on the successes of 2013: 2000+ attendee fringe festival, Edward Snowden story breaking on the first day of the conference etc.... Let's have your leaks, thoughts and educated guesswork here please
19 48 Tue Sep 16, 2014 5:48 am
angilena View latest post
This forum is locked: you cannot post, reply to, or edit topics. Bilderberg Conference 2013: 5-9 June, The Grove, Watford, Hertfordshire, WD3 4TG.
Brits don't like Nazis, so in 2013 Bilderberg is meeting on 'enemy' territory. Their Nazi succession, Bormann Network, financial/corporate warfare command centre is not satisfied with NATO's international crimes, attacking Muslim nations as the Nazis targeted the Jews, now they are attacking the vulnerable & freedom fighters within their own populations too who they see as stupid 'animals', ripe for slavery or slaughter. Their attempt to create a United States Of Europe and control the European money system, as with the Federal Reserve, is causing misery & chaos in Cyprus, Greece, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Ireland etc., these countries the Bilderbergers mockingly call the PIGS. This evil, totalitarian project is an attack on the poor, whether in low paid work or not, right across the NATO zone. That is why Bilderberg 2013 will be in 'enemy territory' where they are most vulnerable. Let's hope and pray that with FOI requests and newspapers TV & radio phone-ins as our targets the greatest monstrosity, or curse, humanity has ever known will squeak its last miserable squawk this year ;-)
27 112 Thu May 14, 2015 10:49 pm
TonyGosling View latest post
No new posts Deutsch: Bilderberg-Diskussionsforum in Deutscher Sprache
Beiträge und Diskussionen im Zusammenhang mit den Bilderberg-Konferenzen in deutscher Sprache; besonders auch über Mitglieder aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum. - Auch wollen wir über deutsche Ursprünge und Verbindungen zu Geheimgesellschaften, wie z.B. die illuminierte Freimaurerei, informieren. - Ein spezielles Gewicht soll auch auf die Rolle der europäischen Königshäuser, das Nazi-Erbe der Bilderberg-Gruppe, als auch über die Banken- und Geschäftsgruppen, die so viel Macht innehaben, gelegt werden.
Moderator lauchenauermartin
58 88 Fri Jul 08, 2016 12:10 am
TonyGosling View latest post
No new posts UK Bilderbergers: Tom Tugendhat, David Lammy, Ken Clarke, Peter Mandelson, Ed Balls, George Osborne, Shirley Williams etc
Destruction of any justice for the poor. Privatisation of prisons creating a diabolical incentive to criminalise the poor and the politically inconvenient - the gradual route to cheap prison labour and fascism. The War On Children - Privatisation of Education as well as corporatisation and dumbing down of the National Curriculum. Exposure of organised criminal child abuse networks and their links with the establishment. Secret 'family' courts. Naming of individuals running the new privatised education 'charities' and their connections. Tactics used to ensure the silence and inaction of officials who fail to protect children.
11 133 Tue Jan 23, 2018 3:00 pm
smithmm View latest post
No new posts Turkish: Türkçe Bilderberg Grubu Danışma Forumu
Bilderberg discussions in Turkish - “Yıllardır, komplo teorisyenleri tarafından Bilderberg’in gizli dünya hükümeti olduğu söylenirdi. Bu yılın katılımcıları arasında ben de varım. Gizli dünya hükümeti nasıl bir şeymiş görmüş olacağız” dediğimde, alaycı bir şekilde “Hâlâ söylenmeye devam ediyor. Bunu iddia eden bir sürü internet sitesi var” diye ekledi.
Moderator willow the wip
32 66 Thu Aug 25, 2016 9:17 pm
TonyGosling View latest post
No new posts French: Discussions sur la group Bilderberg en Francais
Débusquer le Bilderberg - initiation et pratique
Moderators Maximus, marektysis, Sephiroth, willow the wip
75 6391 Thu Feb 29, 2024 1:47 pm
marektysis View latest post
No new posts Russian: Обсуждение Билдерберг
Обсуждение Билдербергского клуба на русском языке - - Как масоны (представители Билдербергского клуба) влияют на Россию, политику и экономику России и на другие области российской действительности. Их цели и действия. Их возможности и.т.д. Различные аспекты данной тематики в этом разделе
Moderators Shultz, willow the wip
11 52 Sat Sep 10, 2016 2:13 am
TonyGosling View latest post
No new posts English language Bilderberg Free, Exploratory, Discussion Forum
HOW EASY WOULD IT BE FOR THE RICH AND GREEDY TO PLACE CONTROLLED PEOPLE IN THE KEY POSITIONS IN THE NATO COUNTRIES? Analysis and discussion of leaks, occult or masonic (Illuminati) connections? and/or other shenanigans surrounding Bilderberg meetings. Taking a closer look at the political implications globally of the dark 'consensus' dished out at Bilderberg meetings and what that might mean for the months, weeks and years ahead. Links to the Bormann Nazi capital flight network
Moderators marektysis, willow the wip
285 1005 Sun Nov 10, 2024 12:30 pm
igdg2000 View latest post
This forum is locked: you cannot post, reply to, or edit topics. Bilderberg Conference 2012: 31May-01June Chantilly, Virginia, USA.
okay folks - this year let's educate all those paid to service the whims of the elitist Bilderbergers about Prince Bernhard's Nazi party & SS membership and Bilderberg's Nazi roots. The 'Ne Plus Ultra', Rockefeller/Rothschild financed meeting, of Albert Pike & Henry Kissinger's gross old world government plan with him as our cursed King behind the curtain. Kissinger Associates pays mercenaries on every continent to ferment wars - just look at Syria - as if everyone but the BBC didn't know that's what he does. All this organised by the psychos in the wheels within wheels that are the 21st century version of the accursed medieval cults. Let's all help humanity move up a level in 2012 and leave Hillary, Henry and the rest of them behind ;-)
13 86 Thu Sep 06, 2012 8:27 pm
marektysis View latest post
This forum is locked: you cannot post, reply to, or edit topics. Bilderberg Conference 2011: 9-12th June, Grand Hotel Kempinski, St. Moritz, Switzerland (home of the C21 Nazi loot)
Bilderberg 2011 - leaks and information - as objectives in the war of terror, to loot oil, bring in a world currency that they control and destroy monotheism, become clearer. The Bilderbergers, led by war criminal Henry Kissinger and his phalynx of private military companies, attempt to consolidate their gains and bomb Muslim, Christian and Jewish civilisation back to the stone age.
22 540 Fri Jun 17, 2016 9:05 pm
TonyGosling View latest post
This forum is locked: you cannot post, reply to, or edit topics. Bilderberg 2010: Leaks & info Bilderberg 2010 Sitges, Spain, 4-6th June 2010
One less year until the Bilderbergers' exposure to the full light of public scrutiny and accountability.
7 114 Sun Jan 23, 2011 12:45 am
kevink View latest post
This forum is locked: you cannot post, reply to, or edit topics. Bilderberg 2009: Vouliagmeni near Athens, Greece, May 14th-17th 2009
The annual Bilderberg conference is confirmed this year to have taken place at the Nafsika Astir Palace Hotel in Vouliagmeni, Greece, over the weekend of May 14th-17th 2009.
14 190 Wed Sep 23, 2009 11:16 am
igdg2000 View latest post
This forum is locked: you cannot post, reply to, or edit topics. Bilderberg 2007: close to the Mossad offices in Istanbul's Ritz Carlton Hotel
How did we track down the 2007 date and venue? This forum now locked and archived.
Moderator marektysis
26 394 Tue Feb 16, 2010 1:42 am
InvisibleAlbatross View latest post
This forum is locked: you cannot post, reply to, or edit topics. Bilderberg 2008: Chantilly, Virginia near Washington DC, June 5th-8th 2008
This year has been one of the most difficult ever to discover where and when the Bilderberg conference is taking place. Finally information was released by the Dutch Embassy in Washington and first published here by our heroic user VAB (who is Dutch/German) then removed from the Embassy website. The Bilderberg met in Chantilly, near Washington DC, from June 5th-8th 2008. This year's 'private' meeting of the ex SS Nazi-founded (Prince Bernhard) handful of people who control most of the money in the western world.
Moderators marektysis, willow the wip
32 441 Thu Apr 07, 2016 12:56 am
TonyGosling View latest post
Secret Society: the occult's influence today on religion, politics and war  
No new posts Mason Free discussion forum - Law, War and Politics: They Used Dark Forces
The Collins dictionary tells us the Illuminati society believe 'that the Illuminating grace of Christ resided within it alone.' Occult secrets and illusions have been used throughout history to mesmerise judges and political leaders. Skull and Bones; Alistair Crowley; witchcraft; satanism; whatever your taste this is the place to discuss & share information. To what extent do the forces of darkness use the legal profession, arms firms, PMCs, intelligence services & armed forces to promote their perverse plans?
Moderator marektysis
281 1505 Sun Aug 14, 2022 11:48 pm
TonyGosling View latest post
No new posts War on God: The Attack on The Bible, Christianity, Islam and Judaism
Christianity has been the official faith of the United Kingdom for around fourteen hundred years, yet leaders of church and state are, in the 21st century, beginning to openly act against Christ and his message. What role do Freemasons, Opus Dei, the Jesuits and the Black Pope et al. play?
Moderators marektysis, lauchenauermartin, willow the wip
61 161 Sat Aug 20, 2022 12:25 am
TonyGosling View latest post
No new posts False flag and fake terror attacks - realtime discussions
This forum was originally set up as a result of the non-functionality of the UK 911 Truth forum at Were another 911 style event or fake terror incident to occur that site would not work so here is a temporary place to do that.
10 31 Tue Dec 07, 2010 1:46 am
kathaksung View latest post
ELEMENTARY MY DEAR WATSON: Investigating possible political assassinations in the UK.  
No new posts Robin Cook - d. 6th August 2005
Motive: rising Labour party leader but not a puppet. This was the man who would be a shoe-in after the political demise of Tony Blair. His bizzare death, being rescued by a helicopter on an 'exercise', conveniently removed his principled anti-war voice from both the Guardian Newspaper and the influential Today programme on Radio 4.
Moderator willow the wip
13 20 Tue Oct 29, 2019 1:13 am
TonyGosling View latest post
No new posts David Kelly - d. 17th July 2003
Motive: His evidence could stop Iraq invasion. The man himself said he might be 'found dead in the woods'. Was he hinting that because he knew Saddam had no weapons of mass destruction and was prepared to go public that his life was in danger. Were the rogue network trying to teach potential whistleblowers a lesson and who might the 'dark actors playing games' have been?
Moderator willow the wip
12 21 Sun Aug 22, 2010 12:39 am
gofight View latest post
No new posts Diana, Princess of Wales - d. 31st August 1997
Princess Diana famously said "I don't have time, an awful lot of time for hobbies, but keeping alive is one of them!" Motive: Princess of Anti-war and Anglo-Muslim relations. Most of the British population, and the Daily Express who were working closely with her on the scandal of Royal succession before her death, believe Diana's 1997 car crash was probably not an accident. Eyewitnesses say she was alive and concious when she got into the ambulance, so why did that ambulance take so long to get to the hospital? And what happened along the way? Why were the prime suspects 'excused' from giving evidence by Lord Justice Scott-Baker at the inquest? If she was murdered surely at least her ex-husband Prince Charles would have 'given the nod'. Diana herself believed her father-in-law Prince Philip, the Duke Of Edinburgh wanted to kill her. Post articles and discuss suspicious facts here.
Moderator willow the wip
77 131 Sat Mar 07, 2015 5:26 am
JosephKL08 View latest post
No new posts Other influential people you think may have been or may about to be assassinated...
Have you noticed anyone else who has died 'conveniently' in the last fifteen years or so? Certainly as far back as the death of PM in waiting John Smith you can see people keeling over in their prime to make way for the zomboid pawns of the Illuminati's New World Order. So who do YOU think may have been 'bumped off'...?
Moderator willow the wip
49 121 Sun Nov 24, 2019 11:34 pm
Whitehall_Bin_Men View latest post
No new posts If any of the above WERE assassinations what agencies, entities or secret societies are carrying them out?
Death squads are common in Columbia and other countries in which the far-right Western political powers are active. Because the criminal justice system, MI5 and the investigative press has been largely neutered and criminalised by blackmail and by high-degree masonic infiltration, assassination squads are now operating here in the UK and other parts of Europe. So which network or group might be responsible for 1. deciding and 2. arranging assassinations of their political rivals in public life?
Moderator willow the wip
14 27 Wed Sep 20, 2017 11:19 pm
TonyGosling View latest post - new users, feedback and complaints  
No new posts Tony Gosling: talks and other public appearances
For the last 10 years I have made occasional public appearances presenting talks on UK land rights history, the 9/11 and 7/7 cover-up, false flag terrorism, the so-called 'War on Terror', Religion, the Middle East, Daniel, Revelation and Biblical themes, the New World Order, occultism, freemasonry and the historical Illuminati. Any subject, in fact, that people have so kindly asked me to speak on. In this section I will announce any up-and-coming talks for those who would like to hear what I have to say. The themes I talk about are all being suppressed by the big six media conglomerates which increasingly, with their mesmerism and Murdoch like poison, are strangling free speech and public opinion.
10 11 Tue Jul 18, 2017 12:57 am
TonyGosling View latest post
No new posts - feedback and complaints
If you find offensive material posted on this forum or have other - maybe more positive - feedback this is the place to come.
Moderator willow the wip
12 36 Sun Jul 15, 2012 10:25 pm
willow the wip View latest post
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