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  Topic: BILDERBERG 2008

Replies: 64
Views: 107040

PostForum: French: Discussions sur la group Bilderberg en Francais   Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 5:28 pm   Subject: BILDERBERG 2008
Super. Tu poura réessayer entre le 5 et le 8 juin, date à laquelle à lieu le meeting aux USa (Chantilly).
  Topic: BILDERBERG 2008

Replies: 64
Views: 107040

PostForum: French: Discussions sur la group Bilderberg en Francais   Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 1:17 am   Subject: BILDERBERG 2008
ah lol je comprends mieux !

Avec le FAI Free, on peut envoyer et recevoir des faxs.
Sinon y'a Popfax, pour 20€,

En fait, pour envoyer, y'a quelques trucs pas trop c ...
  Topic: Did Bilderberg 2008 met in Vouliagmeni Greece 8-11 May?

Replies: 36
Views: 103650

PostForum: Bilderberg 2008: Chantilly, Virginia near Washington DC, June 5th-8th 2008   Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 12:56 am   Subject: Did Bilderberg 2008 met in Vouliagmeni Greece 8-11 May?
I check all 5 stars hotel in Chantilly, and on a range of 100km, available on There are all free.

So...anyone can reserve at Wesfields Marriot Hotel from 5 to 8 june ? Call to 1-888-236-2 ...
  Topic: Breaking news on date and location - Washington June 5-8

Replies: 75
Views: 130268

PostForum: Bilderberg 2008: Chantilly, Virginia near Washington DC, June 5th-8th 2008   Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 12:48 am   Subject: Breaking news on date and location - Washington June 5-8
  Topic: Did Bilderberg 2008 met in Vouliagmeni Greece 8-11 May?

Replies: 36
Views: 103650

PostForum: Bilderberg 2008: Chantilly, Virginia near Washington DC, June 5th-8th 2008   Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 9:01 pm   Subject: Did Bilderberg 2008 met in Vouliagmeni Greece 8-11 May?
So...perhaps...the Westfields Marriott Hotel, the same hotel that for the 2002 bilderberg Conference is booked only 3 days in may-june. From 5 to 8 june!! According to their website. Coincidence ?

  Topic: BILDERBERG 2008

Replies: 64
Views: 107040

PostForum: French: Discussions sur la group Bilderberg en Francais   Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 8:26 pm   Subject: BILDERBERG 2008
Y'a pas besoin de fax les gars, on peut utiliser , c'est ce que j'ai fais l'an dernier, on s'inscrit, c'est gratuit pendant 30 jours, et on envoie le fax comme un email ou directement sur ...
  Topic: Did Bilderberg 2008 met in Vouliagmeni Greece 8-11 May?

Replies: 36
Views: 103650

PostForum: Bilderberg 2008: Chantilly, Virginia near Washington DC, June 5th-8th 2008   Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 7:08 pm   Subject: Did Bilderberg 2008 met in Vouliagmeni Greece 8-11 May?

I don't know where the photo of the greek article has been took place, but if it's at a five star hotel, it is more probable that it is the Annual Bilderberg Meeting that a Steering commitee ...

Replies: 746
Views: 616367

PostForum: French: Discussions sur la group Bilderberg en Francais   Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 1:33 am   Subject: FORUM LIBRE DISCUSSION NR 4
vive les technologies d'analyse d'images, genre reconnaissance de mouvements appreciés suspects !
  Topic: BILDERBERG 2007

Replies: 323
Views: 345066

PostForum: French: Discussions sur la group Bilderberg en Francais   Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 1:30 am   Subject: BILDERBERG 2007
12% a donc été vendu...

Le FMI détient 103,4 millions d'onces d'or (3.217 tonnes) auprès de dépositaires désignés. Les avoirs en or ...
  Topic: Top Secret - Bilderberg 2008 - original dates/venue search

Replies: 155
Views: 217890

PostForum: Bilderberg 2008: Chantilly, Virginia near Washington DC, June 5th-8th 2008   Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 1:24 am   Subject: Top Secret - Bilderberg 2008 - original dates/venue search
Current Bilderberg Steering Group pamphlets listing steering group members are available free of charge to bona fide researchers, as well as past attenda ...
  Topic: Top Secret - Bilderberg 2008 - original dates/venue search

Replies: 155
Views: 217890

PostForum: Bilderberg 2008: Chantilly, Virginia near Washington DC, June 5th-8th 2008   Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 1:04 pm   Subject: Top Secret - Bilderberg 2008 - original dates/venue search
It's not fully booked :
  Topic: Top Secret - Bilderberg 2008 - original dates/venue search

Replies: 155
Views: 217890

PostForum: Bilderberg 2008: Chantilly, Virginia near Washington DC, June 5th-8th 2008   Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 2:21 pm   Subject: Top Secret - Bilderberg 2008 - original dates/venue search
Hello everyone

Aquila Atlantis Hotel is booked from may 15 to may 18
  Topic: Top Secret - Bilderberg 2008 - original dates/venue search

Replies: 155
Views: 217890

PostForum: Bilderberg 2008: Chantilly, Virginia near Washington DC, June 5th-8th 2008   Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 6:44 pm   Subject: Top Secret - Bilderberg 2008 - original dates/venue search
It happened in 2002 :
  Topic: Un nouveau livre sur le Bilderberg!

Replies: 13
Views: 23307

PostForum: French: Discussions sur la group Bilderberg en Francais   Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 5:39 pm   Subject: Un nouveau livre sur le Bilderberg!
il y a beaucoup de chance que sa premiere source avant d'écrire son livre a été ONCT , grace à l'animateur de ce forum bilderberg
Sans blague ? Il a été membre de ONCT ?

J'ai reçu un mail de l'é ...
  Topic: Un nouveau livre sur le Bilderberg!

Replies: 13
Views: 23307

PostForum: French: Discussions sur la group Bilderberg en Francais   Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 10:49 am   Subject: Re: Un nouveau livre sur le Bilderberg!

Un nouveau livre sur le groupe Bilderberg (et la commission Trilatérale) va paraître en mars prochain d'après ce que j'ai pu voir. J'ai découvert çà sur ...
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