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Channel 1: Major policy/business sharks gather in Dresden

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 2:13 am    Post subject: Channel 1: Major policy/business sharks gather in Dresden Reply with quote

12 June 2016, 21:50
Major policy and business sharks gather in Dresden to compare notes

Lovers of conspiracy theories the week brings together the events in fact very different, not related to each other at first glance, but for those who know how to draw conclusions, they were just fragments of a vast mosaic.

First, the vote in the French Senate for the abolition of anti-Russian sanctions were supported, the government accepted the outcome with careful wording heard. Then the news of the mood in which the EU will discuss the sanctions at their summit this coming week, and it's called the new rules of the sanctions game with Russia. Sanctions may be fractional, weakening them until the matter of discussion, but there is a weakening of support already gathered whole European lobby.

Then another piece of the puzzle - a statement, ban Ki-moon that Saudi Arabia was expelled from the blacklist of countries guilty of the deaths of children in Yemen because of unacceptable pressure on the UN. Ban Ki-moon explained that the Saudis threatened not to give more money to the humanitarian programme, if they are not deleted, I had reluctantly to concede. Princes still deny it, saying that innocent, did not threaten anyone, is not part of their culture. But ban Ki-moon back took.

Then another piece, like in a mosaic do not coincide - Snowden, German intelligence called agent of the Kremlin, and are negotiated: evidence no, just inspired, because his revelations were affected all except Russia and China, means, spy.

And that's mosaic, and there was, if you seal it in two words - the Bilderberg group. The most exclusive, most powerful and most influential in the world of private club of the super elite, which is called the shadow world government. And there it is actually, and have gathered in Dresden for the week really. And the agenda even announced: the containment of China and Russia, the migration crisis, oil prices, instability. And the Duke de Castres invited German politicians and businessmen, American magnates and Henry Kissinger, Asian and middle Eastern money bags, that is, the company gathered, like in the movies about James bond. But go to any agent, this superabrasive meeting. What was decided, what in the reality were told, who will officially rule the world, nothing ever leaks out of the sealed rooms of the club authorities.

The hotel were almost deserted. Less than a day it will be cordoned off. Trying to get to the hall, which will host the meeting of the mysterious Bilderberg club. The way we were immediately blocked by the guard.

Staff at the front Desk already had instructed: to keep quiet about everything. Waiting for the dark. One of the doors is not locked.

In the courtyard of the hotel there is a huge tent, is the protection from the rain. The fact that the participants should be able to get out of the hall to get some fresh air or socialize in a more narrow circle so that they were not visible from the cordon. Here we see the protection from all sides and who knows, maybe here will be the most important conversations.

The list of topics for discussion was published on a very modest official website of the Bilderberg group. The immigration crisis, China, Russia - 130 guests, including Prime Ministers of Belgium and the Netherlands, the head of the IMF, former heads of the CIA and Mi-6. And now, just out of the car, the former head of the CIA, General David Petraeus, nicknamed "King David".

"Petraeus came one of the first. The military is really in. They are waiting when you arrive all the other influential people from the US and Europe. Mostly, they are interested in Europeans. They choose them as the horses choose quality teeth. Whether it will be useful to them in the future. And if some of these politicians and businessmen begin to speak out against the policies of the Pentagon, then they are excluded from power," says journalist and Bilderberg researcher, Tony Gosling.

Too unbelievable to be true? Yes. Classic conspiracy theory. But just laughed at the rumors that the CIA was behind the European integration movement, that is, in fact, led to the creation of the current EU. And in 2001, there were archival documents.

The leaders of the pan-European movement — Retinger, utopian Robert Schuman and the former Prime Minister of Belgium Paul-Henri Spaak – were seen as mercenaries of the American tycoons. America's role in this process is viewed as a classic covert operation. The work of the American Committee for a United Europe disburse funds from the Ford and Rockefeller, as well as businessmen with close ties with the U.S. government.

Who are these businessmen? The members of the Bilderberg club? Out of the car the head of the concern "Airbus, Thomas Enders. The concern, which each year sells weapons to 16 billion dollars. Then comes Matthias, Doepfner, head of the mass media company Axel Springer, 152 newspaper and magazine in 32 countries.

"This political lobby for NATO countries. I call them the gang that killed Kennedy. They're still alive, still strong and very much linked with the military-industrial complex," - said the journalist, Bilderberg researcher, Tony Gosling.

The upper terrace of the Zwinger Palace — the best place for observation. The downstairs area of the hotel as the palm. This means that from here you can see the face, all of this building the members of the Bilderberg club. All these people will be photographed and then identified.

Henry Kissinger needs no introduction. A regular participant in meetings of the Bilderberg group. Almost the last of the Mohicans American foreign policy. The outgoing generation of the cold war. Careful and considerate.

"All these guys are going to die soon. There will be a transition of power. A new generation of young globalists have not gone through a war. They had not felt the First and Second world war. I think these people are power hungry. They are ready to go ahead," - said the activist of the movement "Press for Truth Dan Dicks.

What does it mean? A course on a tough confrontation with Russia, China? Very soon we understand that not all club members want to be recognized. At the entrance to the underground Parking on the other side of the building - a queue of vehicles with tinted glasses. We say — the usual thing.

"For example, in 2008 Obama and Hillary Clinton was at the Bilderberg meeting near Washington. They got there through the back door. And that's where it was decided that become President Obama, and Hillary Secretary of state", - says the blogger, researcher Bilderberg Manfred Petritsch.

According to rumors, and the halo of mystery, we have to settle for them, Obama and Clinton Bilderberg then introduced the man in the baseball cap, the head of Goldman Sachs, James Johnson. Manfred Petritsch for 20 years watching the meetings of the Bilderberg club. Today in the shadow behind the glass, he was able to see and photograph German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble. Just one in the press has spoken out against the withdrawal of Britain from the EU. On 23 June his word will tell the inhabitants of the United Kingdom.

"If we can save the EU is the number one issue. Because there is a possibility that the UK two weeks later decides to leave the EU. It may become a detonator for the European Union, failure," - says journalist and Bilderberg researcher, Tony Gosling.

For the Bilderberg failure of the European project — reputational, and who knows what financial losses. The President of the Bilderberg group étienne Davignon even in 2009, said: thanks to the Bilderberg Europeans are now paying the price in euros.

But to pay the rich and powerful don't seem to like it very much, even for their safety during a private meeting in Dresden. The hotel surrounded by police.

"Public space is the police. That is, in any case, it pays the city, meaning the taxpayers," - said the official representative of police of Dresden, Thomas Geithner.

People in the form of a rooftop below. Every few minutes past the hotel passing a special car and captures the events on camera. Maybe you are expecting Chancellor Angela Merkel? She also received an invitation.

At the official request of the First channel representative of the club answered categorically "no". All the more strange looks that demonstrations are prohibited. Just stand with a banner, as you can see, too. At the fence watching a man and a woman, as later find out from the UK. They are holding cardboard boxes without any inscriptions, as in the Soviet joke. Why to write something if everyone and everything is clear.

"I police said, "don't Even try to write something. Otherwise there will be problems," says Alan battle.

But they took a chance. The first piece of cardboard the question: "will It be confiscated?", on the second: "If you have nothing to hide, why the secrecy?". After some time we hear a scream.

Alan, apparently, already in the police van, it had also pushed his girlfriend. Bilderberg doesn't like protests and loves peace and quiet.
Secret Rulers
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