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Bilderberg 2011 conference discussion (who, where etc.)
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 2:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Bilderberg 2011: All aboard the Bilderbus

As the Bilderberg conference heads towards Switzerland there's still time to book your seat on a minibus to St Moritz

St Moritz: Preparing to host Bilderberg. Photograph: Tom Jenkins for the Guardian

As Europe groans, and austerity bites, as defaulting looms, and once proud nations fall to their knees in debt, there's only one annual conference of bankers and industrialists that can step in and save us all…


Next week, in Switzerland, Henry Kissinger and his brave band of corporate CEOs, high-wealth individuals and heavyweight thinktankers will lock arms with Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands and David Rockefeller, and stand their ground against the economic contagion.

The last thing a bunch of bank bosses and multinational executives wants is for the nation-states of Europe to collapse, allowing their assets to be bought up on the cheap. Right?

Besides, if anyone can lay claim to fathering the EU, it's Bilderberg. Sixty years ago, Europe was a mere Bilderbaby, conceived in a solemn ceremony on Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands' mattress. It grew into a fine young Bilderboy, but the years have caught up with it, and now it seems its knees are creaking and its heart is weak.

Perhaps the clear mountain air of St Moritz will prove just the tonic. The Bilderberg Group is gathering there between 9-12 June, at the Hotel Suvretta House, described on its website thus: "Like a beautiful fairytale castle, our hotel is embedded in the fantastic alpine landscape of the Upper Engadine." No mention of the magical rooftop snipers or the fairytale ring of armed riot police, but maybe they'll be updating their website in time for the conference.

Josef Ackerman, CEO of Deutsche Bank, practises his backflips.

The hotel promises that the Privatsphäre of the guests will be utterly respektiert, which goes for the conference, as well: the press will be lucky to get a whiff of Kissinger's toast in the morning. It's a shame the attendees are still so phobic of attention, seeing as how this year there's shaping up to be more press interest than ever. People and the media have finally started noticing this quiet little conference at the centre of the storm. The last two countries to play host to the meeting were Greece and Spain, both of whom waved goodbye to Bilderberg and said hello to austerity and unrest. Happy Christmas, Switzerland.

This year, a bunch of less-than-happy Brits are heading out to St Moritz by minibus, to voice their concern at the policies being thrashed out at the conference. They've dubbed their fifteen-seater the Bilderbus, and it leaves Nottingham on Tuesday after work. There are still ten seats to fill: it's £95 return, and camping's cheap when you get there. And I can't stress this enough: it really is a sight to behold. (The conference, not the minibus).

There are two seats free on the bus, since Dominique Strauss-Kahn and Ken Clarke have both been forced to cancel. Which is good news for the chamber maids at the Suvretta House (because Ken is so very untidy – cigar stubs and Ornette Coleman CDs everywhere …)

The Bilderbus awaits you. Fully taxed and insured. Photograph: Charlie Skelton

If you'd like to book a place on the minibus, you can email the organisers at this address: And if you're interested to see what crops up on the official Bilderberg agenda, then keep an eye on their website. Jockeying for position are the crisis in the eurozone, the Arab Spring, the Fukushima fallout (with Germany backing away from nuclear), and of course, what to do about the internet. That old chestnut.

Maybe this year they'll hold a press conference like, I don't know, grown-ups might. I won't be holding my breath. But I will be sniffing the air of St Moritz. If I find out one thing this year, it's going to be what Kissinger has for breakfast. Live eels snatched from a bucket? Or ducklings? Suddenly I'm imagining ducklings. And a mallet.
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 10:57 pm    Post subject: possibly there on 9 June Reply with quote

Between many others...

King and queen of Spain -mediteranean problems and finances
Prince Philippe of Belgium-regionalism
Franco Bernabe- phone market in italy and vector in the future with PC
Henry Kissinger- geostrategy
David Rockefeller-
Bill & Melinda Gates- Africa-India-Pakistan (medecine and philantropy)+PC+Skype telephonic operation.
Nokia NOT represented ( in my head)
Henri de Castries- India and Asia markets
Etienne Davignon-Europe difficulties with Euro and dollar
olivier Roy- Big mac religion for union of all sections of the world
Thierry de Montbrial-geostrategy
Martin Feldstein-Future of USD and ruin of arabic sovereign funds with next crash on wall street
Hormats-with or without Hillary Clinton-us politics and diplomacy
Mitt Romney- next designated president by the elite
Vernon Jordan to support Romney and introduce him
Trichet with or without his designated successor to the ECB
Naturally Carl Bildt
A responsible of Moscow Carnegie center// ?
Papandreou as treator to his people
Bankers as usual as Blankfein- Sutherland
The show on invitation only
A chase for treasure will take place in the safes of Bern Banks.The winner
will be richer than before.
Bilderbus and its vulgus pecus neither admitted nor tolerated.

Marek Tysis Wink
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 8:27 pm    Post subject: HILLARY NOT IN SWITZERLAND Reply with quote

Belgian Foreign affairs are saying:'

La réunion de jeudi à Abu Dhabi a pour objectif de faire le point sur la situation en Libye et de donner les impulsions nécessaires pour y soutenir la transition démocratique et arriver à une stabilisation à long terme de ce pays. On notera également la présence de la Secrétaire d’Etat américaine Hillary Clinton, du Président de la Commission de l’Union africaine Jean Ping et des Sécretaires généraux de l’Organisation de la Conférence islamique et du Conseil de Coopération des Etats arabes du Golfe, ainsi que des Ministres des Affaires étrangères d’une quinzaine d’autres pays membres du groupe, tant arabes qu’occidentaux.'

So Clinton will be in Abu Dhabi....
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 11:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Richard - Spartacus will be reporting from St Moritz

The Bilderberg meeting June 9th to 12th 2011

If you look back at decision making and reasons for sending countries to war nevermore has the boundary between powerful corporations and national interests been so blurred.

The Bilderberg meeting though is a good place for business people to meet and 'fix' things. Is that an issue? probably, maybe, could be. If it doesn't happen at the annual Bilderberg meeting arguably it will happen elsewhere. Oil cartel price fixing is a prime example. However should elected politicians be meeting with these powerful business people in secrecy and possibly compromising a nations future? Our future. How can these politicians claim they attend this meeting in a private capacity? They wouldn't be there unless they had power and influence and that influence and power was granted by their own voters.

The truth is out there 'cliche' holds the key. In a world where we are fed information through the Internet window. Currently the battle to control the Internet and information published on it is taking place worldwide. The Bilderbergers already have control of the traditional mainstream press which is why you don't read much about them. Although one here is interesting. See this blog by Charlie Skelton of the Guardian.

This is a 13 page document written by Mike Peters a sociologist from Leeds University explains the Bilderbergs and their history.

It's also worth watching this up to date video about past meetings and the upcoming 2011 meeting, which is 3 of 4. If you have the time watch the others. In the video Tony Gosling webmaster of discusses the history of the group, the connection to the Nazi's and the European Union. Tony argues that any group of people who wield so much power and have control of so much money should not be having meetings behind closed doors with no scrutiny or oversight.

As the meeting progresses I'll be using various sources to highlight why we need to see more transparency from this secretive organisation and will be reporting from St Moritz.
Posted by Spartacus
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 7:33 am    Post subject: AFP: COUNTDOWN TO BILDERBERG Reply with quote

Source :


By Mark Anderson

As the economy tanks, AMERICAN FREE PRESS prepares to cover Bilderberg 2011 in St. Moritz, Switzerland June 9-12. The average American, the average European and countless others are much more affected than ever before by the painful policies that come from the very people who comprise the notorious Bilderberg group.

For too many years, the American press has been unforgivably silent on this global planning group, whose secret meetings about important matters—always behind sealed doors, ringed with heavily armed guards—were first brought to light by the late columnist Westbrook Pegler in the early days and then given grand exposure by AFP’s own Willis A. Carto and Jim Tucker ever since.

Tucker helped bring the European press into the fold. While the U.S. corporate media remain silent, readers of papers around the world now know about these conspirators.

Never before have there been fewer excuses for the continual U.S. press blackout on the annual Bilderberg meetings. Television reports in mid-May did focus heavily on one infamous Bilderberg member, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, who headed the International Monetary Fund. The IMF has saddled several nations with impossible debt structures, resulting in major news stories. Yet, Strauss-Kahn made even bigger headlines than the IMF with his alleged sexual crime that landed him in a jail in New York. Still, his obvious Bilderberg pedigree escapes America’s reporters, editors and publishers.

Remember David Rockefeller’s oft-quoted words during a 1991 Bilderberg meeting in Baden-Baden, Germany exactly 20 years ago: “We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan . . . if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march toward a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”
The “national auto-determination” traditional to Switzerland is a major reason why a prominent Swiss legislator wrote a letter to a federal councilor in charge of police functions (see AFP’s May 23 issue, page 1), stressing that many Swiss do not want the likes of Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger and other undesirables breaking bread for global control within Swiss borders.

Bilderberg’s ongoing plan to make crude oil cost much more and strangle national economies with their debt schemes are finally being felt by everyone—up close and personal. That is why AFP, We Are Change/ Switzerland and others are sounding the alarm more loudly than ever.

As you read this, call your local media and national media and demand an accounting of Bilderberg. Feel free to send them this article.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 9:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Plutocratic Puppeteers Meet In Switzerland For Annual Bilderberg Conference
By Saman Mohammadi
...Either sunlight and death awaits the Bilderberg vampires, or this evil clan of war profiteers, criminal banksters, power mongers and charlatans will achieve total power and total control over humanity.

'Secret World Government' To Meet In Switzerland

Bilderberg 2011 Kicks Off

Breaking: Secret Bilderberg Agenda Leaked by Mole[?-ed.]
....the plan is to take down national sovereignty, impose drastic austerity measures, hold fire sales on national assets, consolidate wealth and power, and use an endless economic crisis as an excuse to usher in world government, a one-world currency, and a sprawling high-tech police state.

Elite Bilderberg 2011 Meeting Draws Scrutiny
...But this year, Kissinger and other members of the world elite are attracting some unwanted attention for the conference. A senior center-right Swiss lawmaker from the nation’s largest political party sent a letter to prosecutors asking them to consider arresting Kissinger — and George W. Bush and French President Nicolas Sarkozy, if they attend — for war crimes. The legislator also requested that prosecutors consider applying the charge of treason for Swiss attendees...

Bilderberg 2011: The polished blue line
Charlie Skelton arrives in Switzerland ahead of Bilderberg to find a different style of policing but enhanced cleanliness

You know you're in Switzerland when the public lavatory at the multi-storey car park is cleaner than your own bathroom. And the streets! My God, you could eat your dinner off the pavement in St Moritz. I'm seriously thinking of writing to Tower Hamlets council suggesting they come here on a fact-finding tour. Although what the hell are they doing on a freebie junket to Switzerland when they're busy cutting our rubbish collections? It's a disgrace! I'm going to write to Tower Hamlets council to complain.

I don't know quite what I was expecting from a Swiss Bilderberg. I was expecting it clean, but I wasn't expecting the Bilderberg I've found. For one thing, I was imagining a rather muted atmosphere, stern even – batons up, visors down – but there's a happy buzz around the venue: the conference doesn't kick off until Thursday but already there's a growing crowd of journalists, bloggers and activists. The social justice group We Are Change are here in force. And (praise be!) representatives of the mainstream media are rolling up.

One of them is Anna Caprez, a journalist from Radio Rumantch, the Swiss radio station. She's putting together a series of reports about the conference. "It's a big story", she says. "But only in March or April did we realize what Bilderberg is, or even that there is a Bilderberg conference."

She says it's unusual to have the press descend on St Moritz like this. "We're used to letting people do what they want here in the valley, in the Engadine. St Moritz is a special place. VIPs can be incognito, we're used to famous people – who cares? – they can act and react without the press crawling over them. But this is different. This is important. And the media in Switzerland has finally woken up to it. The Swiss TV are coming, Swiss Radio, the Italian media. And it is thanks to him."

Anna nods towards a man smoking a cheroot, enjoying a rare glimpse of alpine sun. "It is thanks to Manfred". The Manfred in question takes a peek down a foot-long camera lens, which he's focusing down on a security briefing in the hotel lobby. "There must be 300 security, easily" he growls.

Manfred Petrisch is a Swiss blogger and a long-time Bilderbotherer. This year, the conference is on his home turf, and he's been lobbying politicians and the mainstream press for weeks.

"We put pressure on the media, we ask: "Why aren't you reporting this?" – and now at last they have started. Of course, some of what they write is the usual, you know: just a meeting of some old guys sitting round, having a cup of tea." He snorts his derision: "Come on! A four-day cup of tea, with heads of global companies, heads of state, EU commissioners, leaders of Nato, bank CEOs, people with a full schedule. They are not here for a cup of tea!"

Manfred has pulled strings with politicians, and questions have been asked in the Swiss parliament. "We asked and asked again: who is paying for all this? If we are to have a huge police force protecting a private meeting, as usual, then who is paying? The taxpayer? We made it a political problem."

And the pressure seems to have paid off. "Look at what has happened! There is no police line, there is only private security. And they are not armed, not threatening, like in Greece or Spain. They are quite friendly. Of course, there are police here, inside the hotel, and secret services, lots of them, but they are in the background. This is a big victory."

And it's true – at first glance, this year's conference could hardly be more different from Spain 2010 or Greece 2009. We're standing, unharrassed, on a pavement not 50 metres from the hotel. Last year, in Sitges, the press was kept a kilometre away, at the business end of a machine gun. In Vouliagmeni the cordon was even wider, maybe a kilometre and a half, with (literally) hundreds of pumped-up policemen strip searching and camera snatching. St Moritz may be further from the beach, but apart from that it's a gigantic improvement. "This is Switzerland!" explains Manfred. "That sort of thing cannot happen here. This is a democracy."

Democracy is an idea that doesn't fit easily with Bilderberg. For all you budding Bilderberg historians out there, here's an interesting titbit. Back in 1958, when the conference had only been going a few years, Lord John Hope, the Tory politician who was joint under-secretary of state for Scotland at the time, reported back from a two-day meeting of Bilderberg's steering committee in April: "the meeting was a preparatory one before the meeting of the Bilderberg Group at Buxton in September." Here's part of what he wrote:

Extracts from Lord John Hope's notes in 1958

Everyone recognised that the weakness of a democracy was that its government had to do broadly what the people wanted it to do …

(Damn that pesky democratic process! Always getting in the way of us doing what we want! What a bore!)

Now, if you're anything like me, you'll find that quotation a little uncomfortable. Or if you're anything like David Aaronovitch, you'll have scoffed so hard at it that you're currently wiping spittle off your computer screen.

Aaronovitch is cheerleader-in-chief of the cup of tea brigade: "To have a strong belief in the Bilderberg Group means believing in a fantasy," he says. "It replaces the intolerable thought that there's nothing at work at all, that the world is chaotic. It may be a form of therapy but it has people believing in an anti-scientific message."

Blimey. What I find most extraordinary about those remarks is not so much their appalling ignorance, it's more that Aaronovitch appears to be making a quasi-religious statement. It's an expression of faith: faith in there being "nothing at work at all" in the world – faith that the world is "chaotic" through-and-through.

A fairly extreme position, one could almost call it fundamentalist. What then is history? Stones being shaken in bucket? Has ever a human influenced the course of events? Are the attendees of Bilderberg in any sense influential? And if not, what on earth have they been doing all their lives? They might as well have sat jibbering on a rock rather than becoming secretaries of state and finance ministers, for all the good it'll do them.

We can expect more of this fantasy/"old farts playing golf" spin over the next several days. (I can't wait for David Frum's annual scoff piece). But it sounds more and more detached from reality with every passing year. The more serious press attention that's given to this serious political event, the less it's possible to dismiss it. Give it another year, and it'll seem as bonkers to dismiss Bilderberg as a fantasy as it would be to say Davos is a meeting of Mumsnet.

The Swiss activist Andrew Mūller, a member of We Are Change, takes a distinctly unAaronovitchian view of Bilderberg: "The media represent the fourth power in a democracy. They should be responsible for covering such things. If the heads of the media are meeting in secret with our politicians like this, then it is a dangerous situation for democracy." And you don't have to think every event dangles from a string tied to David Rockefeller's fingers to agree.

• Historical footnote: good luck finding any reference to that April 1958 get-together of the Bilderberg steering committee in the official records. They don't like to talk about the steering committee meetings … but don't worry, we'll be talking more about them in articles to come. I bet you can hardly wait!
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

NATO political cult - Bilderberg convenes in St. Moritz, Switzerland
What is the Bilderberg Conference all about? Politicans betraying the voting public. Links between the Bilderberg conference and the Nazis. With Oliver Hides and Tony Gosling

Bilderberg Believers Are Mentalists Say BBC

World's most powerful group meets in St Moritz
Bilderberg Group meetings are definitely not held over a picnic at the lake of St Moritz
by Nicole della Pietra,
The Bilderberg Group, a controversial invitation-only gathering of the world’s power brokers, is set to meet in the Swiss resort of St Moritz on Thursday.
Critics denounce the four-day conference, which is closed to the prying eyes of the media and doesn’t issue any press releases, for having a deleterious influence on world politics.
Previous guests include kings, presidents, captains of industry and heads of international organisations. United States Secretary of State Henry Kissinger has attended, as have Microsoft founder Bill Gates, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and current Chairman of the Federal Reserve Ben Bernanke.
Another regular is Dominique Strauss-Kahn, former head of the International Monetary Fund, currently facing criminal charges.
“The Bilderberg Group is like a restricted circle of guests from the World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting in Davos,” said Sergio Rossi, economics professor at Fribourg University.
He said the regulars at Bilderberg – named after the original conference held at the Hotel de Bilderberg in the Netherlands in 1954 – find the WEF a “hectic beanfeast”.
At Bilderberg, “one is at Hermès”, noted Pascal Lamy, director-general of the World Trade Organization, referring to the French luxury goods maker.
................ in_St_Moritz.html
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