
From: (roundtable)

Subject: The Council on Foreign Relations & the U-Bomb PSYOP

Cc: AAA-Senate, BlistBillClinton

Bcc: AAA-HouseofRepresentatives, BlistHillaryRodhamClinton, BlistPIRDanielBrandt, AAA-MediaUSA, ALISTPhyllisSchlafly, AA-CFRNewsGroupPeople


>Received: 05/06/97 13:29

>From: Guillen, Jose,

>To: '',

>Thank you for contacting the Committee on Resources about gender confusion and your email freedom. These issues are not under our jurisdiction; please remove us from your mailing list.

>This committee's legislative jurisdiction is listed in House Rule X of H.Res.5 as adopted January 7, 1997....

Jose, was not on the mailing list. Was the e-mail forwarded to you from another address?

The committee's oversight responsibilities include Petroleum conservation on the public lands and conservation of the radium supply in the United States and Trans-Alaska Oil Pipeline. A group called the Council on Foreign Relations has been in control of the Petroleum Industry in the US for over 100 years. They have bilked the American Public. They have promoted constant warfare in the Middle East so that they could take control of the Middle Eastern Oil Supplies. They have forced Nuclear Power and Proliferation on an unwilling world citizenry. Please have your committee start a Congressional Investigation of this organization.

Alaska Commerce is dependent on the Energy Business. Have you ever wondered, why we haven't harnessed free energy sources such as solar power, tidal power, and wind power and why we have gone nuclear? The following information should interest you.Please publish, and distribute it with to your committee members.

The Round Table Group in England is called the Royal Institute of International Affairs. The Round Table Groups have been responsible for almost all the wars for the last 100 years. The Round Table Groups are responsible for a nuclear experiment that purposely irradiated just about every one on the planet. Have you ever heard of the U-Bomb? A Georgetown University Professor named Carroll Quigley wrote about the U-Bomb in a book called Tragedy and Hope. Carroll Quigley was Council on Foreign Relations member Bill Clinton's professor.

Carroll Quigley's research concerned the role of the Rhodes-Milner Round Table Groups in Britain from 1891 through World War II. His major work, Tragedy and Hope (1966), contains scattered references to his twenty years of research in this area, but his detailed history of the Round Table was written in 1949. Quigley avoided criticism because his work was part of a limited hangout used to protect the people he was writing about. Quigley was a Council on Foreign Relations insider, probably working for the CIA and doubling as a University Professor, so his criticisms of the groups he studied are subdued. He did his undergraduate and graduate work at Harvard, where he received a doctorate in 1938. He later taught at Princeton and Harvard before settling in at Georgetown's conservative School of Foreign Service in 1941, where he remained for the rest of his career. He was a consultant for the Brookings Institution, the Defense Department, the State Department, and the Navy, and taught western civilization and history. In 1962 the Center for Strategic and International Studies was established on the Georgetown campus, where it maintained close ties with the School of Foreign Service. CSIS included a number of people on its staff who had high-level CIA connections. Quigley moved in these circles until his death in 1977. According to Quigley:

"I know of the operations of this network [the Round Table Groups] because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960s, to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims and have, for much of my life, been close to it and to many of its instruments. I have objected, both in the past and recently, to a few of its policies, but in general my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known."

Quigley provides a history of the Round Table Group. Quigley tells us the Round Table Group's American and British Counterparts were responsible for the massive movement toward collectivizing power on the Social-Communist Left during the past fifty to seventy-five years. Quigley creates the perception that the Round Table Group is a liberal-left wing organization. This is untrue. The group consists of members that could fit into any part of the political spectrum. Quigley's book was meant to appeal to so called radical-right-wing organizations in America. President William Jefferson Clinton, was impressed with what his Georgetown University professor had to say.

Conspicuously absent from Quigley's history is the Council on Foreign Relations role in numerous historical events including: 1. The part played by Council on Foreign Relations members in creating the first Intelligence Agency in American History -- The Inquiry. 2. The history of the Council on Foreign Relations War and Peace Studies Group and how it lead to the Council taking control of the State Department of the United States. 3. How the Council on Foreign Relations created the Psychological Strategy Board, aka the Operations Coordinating Board, aka the Special group, and the role of this group in coordinating massive international PSYOPS from the Truman administration on 4. How Council on Foreign Relations Members George Kennan and Walter Lippmann worked on a PSYOP that would force the Marshall plan on unwilling Americans 5. The significant role played by Council on Foreign Relations and Royal Institute of International Affairs members in establishing the United Nations at Dumbarton Oaks. Quigley's book is a limited hangout.

Oppenheimer was the father of the atom bomb. Oppenheimer had begun speaking out against the dangers of nuclear energy. Revoking Oppenheimer's clearance damaged his credibility as a nuclear expert and robbed America of an alternative view of the dangers of nuclear proliferation. The Eisenhower administration sought its advice from Dr. Edward Teller, a hawkish champion of Nuclear power. While work progressed towards development of the Fission Bomb, Teller was obsessed with the idea of a Fusion Bomb. Oppenheimer obtained special security clearances for Teller to work on the Fusion study in Berkeley, California (1942) and Los Alamos (1943). Teller worked on the H-bomb in both places. Fermi suggested the work was premature since no H-bomb was possible until there was an A-bomb to ignite it. After the war the Atomic Energy Commission laboratories quieted down. Most scientists started to return to their peacetime teaching and research. Teller had been advocating the H-bomb since 1942, and did not want to see the weapons development program stopped. The air force joined Teller in insisting on the development of the H-Bomb. Sympathizers and allies of the air force and Teller began to question the loyalty of those who opposed development of the H-bomb. A leading opponent was Oppenheimer. In October of 1949 the question of proceeding with H-bomb development was submitted to the General Advisory Committee (GAC). Oppenheimer, Conant, Fermi, Dubridge, Rabbi and the three businessmen on the committee voted unanimously against a crash program for the H-Bomb. Glenn Seaborg, was absent, and abstained from voting. Teller and his allies continued to agitate for a crash program for the H-bomb. Teller received strong support from Senator Brian McMahon, and William Liscum Bordon members of the joint congressional committee. On January 31, 1950 Truman issued an order for a crash H-bomb effort. The effort required building new nuclear reactors.[1]

In Tragedy and Hope, Quigley relates that during the period from October 1949 until the H-bomb was tested in November of 1952, "The true sequence of events has been concealed under enormous wave of false propaganda which have tried to show that Teller's development of the H-bomb was held up because the Truman Administration was deeply infiltrated with Communists and fellow travelers. This propaganda came from neo-isolationist, Republican, and air-force sources which formed a tacit alliance to discredit the Democratic administrations of 1933-1952 "Twenty Years of Treason," as they called it. The Chronology here is of some importance. Klaus Fuchs confessed to atomic espionage in England on January 27th; President Truman ordered work on the H-bomb four days later; and McCarthy made his first accusations at Wheeling nine days after that." [2]

The H-bomb tested in November of 1952 was not developed along the lines followed by Teller in 1946-1951. The order to make the H-Bomb was easier to issue than to carry out. No one knew how to make an H-Bomb - including Ed Teller. In February of 1951 a brilliant young Polish mathematician, Stanislaw Ulam made a suggestion to Teller -- that suggestion lead to a successful way of making an H-Bomb. On June 19-20th the General Advisory Committee held a meeting at the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton(IASP). Teller was the keynote speaker. Teller presented Ulam's idea, as an idea developed by himself and his assistant Frederic de Hoffman. Everyone present realized that the problem was solved. Briefly, the idea was to merge two separate operations of making tritium out of lithium and fusing the tritium with duterium into a single operation as a bomb. On November 2, 1952 a blast equal to about 10 million tons of TNT, with a 3.5 mile wide fireball, destroyed the small islet on which it occurred. A hole 175 feet deep and a mile wide was left in the Lagoon. Heat from the explosion could be felt 30 miles away. The first H-Bomb weighed 65 tons and filled box 25'x25'x25'.[3]

March 1, 1954 a H-Bomb was tested at Bikini. Atoms consist of protons electrons and neutrons. The protons and neutrons are found in the nucleus of an atom. The electrons travel in orbits around the nucleus. Protons have a positive charge and weigh 1 atomic mass unit. Neutrons are neutral and weigh 1 atomic mass unit. Electrons have a negative charge and weigh 0 atomic mass units. Each different element contains a different number of protons. Each different element has an atomic number which is equal to the number of protons in its nucleus. The atomic mass of an atom is equal to the number of protons plus the number of neutrons. The smallest atom is Hydrogen. Hydrogen atoms have only one proton in their nucleus. The power from a H-bomb comes from fusing two Hydrogen atoms together to form a new element with atomic number 2 -- Helium (2 protons). An Atom bombs power comes when atoms with large numbers of protons and neutrons in their nucleus, such as Uranium-239 (92 protons and 147 neutrons) are broken apart.

The H-Bomb explosion at Bikini was a horrific device equivalent to 18 million tons of TNT. Death-dealing radioactive contamination was spread over 8,000 square miles of the Pacific, and injurious radiation over much of the world. A vast quantity of a deadly radioactive isotope called Strontium-90 was released. Strontium-90, like calcium, is readily absorbed into human bones and is cancer causing. The deadly radioactive Strontium-90 (38 Protons 52 Neutrons) was not the result of fusing Hydrogen atoms -- it was the result from an Atom-Bomb explosion. A Hydrogen Bomb requires a small A-Bomb explosion to provide enough energy for the Hydrogen fusion reaction to start. Once started the reaction uses its own energy to continue. The Bikini H-Bomb explosion was not a simple H-Bomb explosion. It was an H-bomb explosion combined with a second large and dirty A-bomb explosion. The massive deadly radioactive fallout was caused by the second A-bomb explosion. The H-Bomb explosion at Bikini sent a statement to our "enemy" the Russians that America was shifting from blast warfare to radioactive warfare. Scientists called this type of "fission-fusion-fission" bomb a U-bomb.[4]

Lewis L. Strauss,the new head of the Atomic Energy Commission, knew the bomb exploded at Bikini was really a U-bomb ( i.e. a "fission-fusion-fission" bomb ). Strauss concealed the true nature of the bomb from the Atomic Energy Commission. The Atomic Energy Commission announced the inhuman weapon to the world as an H-bomb test. To prepare public opinion to accept use of the U-bomb Strauss sponsored a study of radioactive fallout. The study was called Project Sunshine. Quigley writes, "By selective release of some evidence and strict secrecy of other information, the Strauss group tried to establish in pubic opinion that there was no real danger to anyone from nuclear fallout even in all-out nuclear war."[5]

Neither American or Russian Atomic scientists believed that Bikini was a simple H-bomb explosion. A well focused psycho-political PSYOP helped to convince many people this mis-information was true. One of the best-known scientific Journalists in America, William L. Laurence, helped spread this false information through a series of stories and a book. Laurence was science editor of the Council on Foreign Relations controlled New York Times. Quigley writes, "Laurence's stories were accepted as true by the ordinary well-informed public (though not by scientists). Laurence, the only newspaper reporter allowed to see the test at Alamagordo or the the nuclear explosion on Japan, wrote a book on the H-bomb, which he called The Hell Bomb, in 1950. It was full of misleading ideas, forgivable at that date, but totally erroneous in following years, when the book continued to be read. It stated that the H-bomb would be exploded by direct fusion of duterium and tritium, a method which it attributed to Teller. Years later, in the New York Times, fusion-fission-fusion (F-F-F-bomb) but was simply a fission-fusion H-bomb and not a U-bomb. This version apparently originated with Strauss, who denied that "Bravo" was a U-bomb, and explained the surprisingly large noxious fallout as a consequence of irradiation of the coral reef on which the bomb exploded. This story entrenched in the public mind that Teller was the "Father of the H-bomb," that he had been held back to the injury of American security by Soviet sympathizers during the Truman Administration, and that there was some bias for the AEC condemnation of Oppenheimer as a security risk in June of 1954. Behind much of this was the air force, allied to Teller, Laurence, and Strauss, and very opposed to Oppenheimer. This opposition arose because of Oppenheimer's work for diversification of weapons (which was regarded by the air force as a treasonable diversion of both money and nuclear materials from it to the other services) and for his efforts to get smaller nuclear warheads...It should be noted that Teller had very little to do with the actual making of the successful thermonuclear bomb." Conspicuously absent from Quigley's account is mention that it was Council on Foreign Relations member Gordon Gray's board who pulled Oppenheimer's clearance. Conspicuously absent from Quigley's account is mention that Oppenheimer's legal counsel in 1954 was Council on Foreign Relations member John W. Davis. Davis was a charter member of the Council on Foreign Relations with close ties to the Royal Institute of International Affairs. In 1918 Woodrow Wilson appointed Davis ambassador to the Court of Saint James in London. Davis was the head of the prestigious law firm Davis Polk and Wardwell. Davis was a moderate racist. In 1954 Davis was involved in a case called Brown v. Board of Education in the state of South Carolina. The case involved the constitutionality of segregated schools. Davis argued without fee for the State of South Carolina that segregation was not unconstitutional. The Court's unanimous ruling was that segregation was unconstitutional, causing Davis to suffer his most critical and painful defeat. Davis's true eminence was as an appellate lawyer. Davis argued 141 cases before the Supreme court, more cases than any of his contemporaries. In 1954 Davis suffered another defeat, Oppenheimer lost his clearance. Could lawyers connected to Council on Foreign Relations controlled law firms represent both sides of an issue in case and work together to insure the case turns out the way the Council wants it to?[6]

When CFR member Bill Clinton delivered his acceptance speech at the Democratic convention on July 16, 1992, it didn't contain any surprises, nor were any expected. There were the usual feel-good platitudes: he wanted to talk with us "about my hope for the future, my faith in the American people, and my vision of the kind of country we can build.... This election is about putting power back in your hands and putting the government back on your side.... It is time to heal America." Any speech writer could have pulled boiler-plate from the files and pasted together something similar.

Toward the end of the speech Clinton mentioned that "as a teenager I heard John Kennedy's summons to citizenship. And then, as a student at Georgetown, I heard that call clarified by a professor named Carroll Quigley, who said to us that America was the greatest country in the history of the world because our people have always believed in two things: that tomorrow can be better than today and that every one of us has a personal, moral responsibility to make it so."

This wasn't the first time Clinton had paid tribute to the memory of his Georgetown professor. A few days earlier, a story on Clinton's background mentioned that he had never forgotten Quigley's last lecture. "Throughout his career he has evoked [this lecture] in speeches as the rhetorical foundation for his political philosophy," according to the Washington Post, which offered another Clinton quotation praising Quigley's perspective and influence. A kindly old professor appreciated as a mentor by an impressionable, idealistic student? This is how it was interpreted by almost everyone who heard it, particularly since Quigley's name was not exactly a household word.

But in certain rarified circles among conspiracy theorists, Clinton's reference to Quigley was surprising. Now that Clinton had one foot in the White House, the conservative Washington Times soon ran an item that tried to clear matters up. Professor Quigley, according to the Times, specialized in the history of a secret group of elite Anglo-Americans who had a decisive influence on world affairs during the first half of this century. Quigley, in other words, was a conspiracy theorist -- but one who had an impeccable pedigree. Quigley came out and exposed the Eastern establishment plan for world government.

Clinton's supporters depict him as an intellectual, someone whose heroes traffic in solemn ideals. If so, Clinton presumably read Tragedy and Hope, Quigley's best-known book, which appeared while Clinton was at Georgetown. At any rate, Quigley's work is well worth looking at, along with Clinton's early career, for its possible clues to Clinton's thought.

Reading Quigley may turn you into a student of high-level conspiracy, which is exactly what many Council on Foreign Relations members around Clinton and elsewhere say you shouldn't be. Almost all of the 3,000 members of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) will go on record ridiculing any of the conspiracy theories that, according to all polls, are taken seriously by large majorities of average people. CFR member Daniel Schorr will tell you again and again that Oswald was a lone nut, and CFR member Steven Emerson will write article after article debunking Pan Am 103 and October Surprise theories. It's not that people in high places know better, it's simply that they have more to protect and cannot afford to be candid. How many people in England are familiar with the Royal Institute of International Affairs?

You were copied the letter to President Clinton because it is concerned with the Council on Foreign Relations that is legislating murder so that they can profit from it. One way to stop this group is to expose them and their techniques to the people they are manipulating.

I copied the letter to three groups -- people of faith, pro-life groups, and newspaper personnel. I copied people of faith because the Council on Foreign Relations is out to destroy our families, our nation and our faiths. I copied newspaper personnel because stories about the Council on Foreign Relations are being suppressed. I copied pro-life groups because the pro-abortion Council on Foreign Relations is fixing votes in the House and the Senate. Round Table members in England work both sides of the isle to fix votes in Parliament.

Not many people have heard of this group or know how they operate. This is no an accident, the group has purposely maintained a low profile. The Council on Foreign Relations is a branch of an international group of co-conspirators called the Round Table Group. This group has been controlling public opinion throughout the world for over 100 years. Other branches include; Britain's Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Canadian Institute of International Affairs, the New Zealand Institute of International Affairs, the Australian Institute of International Affairs, the South African Institute of International Affairs, the Indian Institute of International Affairs, the Netherlands Institute of International Affairs, the Japanese Institute of Pacific Relations, the Chinese Institute of Pacific Relations, and the Russian Institute of Pacific Relations.

Council on Foreign Relations members control both Government agency, and "private-industry" news sources. Round Table Group members in different nations control the news sources in their countries. The Council on Foreign Relations propaganda machine manipulates American Citizens to accept the particular climate of opinion the Round Table Groups are seeking to achieve in the world. Council on Foreign Relations members working in an ad hoc committee called the "Special Group" and through a vast intragovernmental undercover infrastructure called the "Secret Team" formulate this opinion in the United States. The United States branch, the Council on Foreign Relations, has methodically taken over the Department of State, The Federal Reserve, and the Central Intelligence Agency.

The people of all nations are being targeted and controlled. Council on Foreign Relations members in the State Department, The National Security Council, the Central Intelligence Agency, and in the Department of Defense continue to control the lives of the American people through well planed psycho-political operations. These psychological operations rob American citizens of the present, by creating false reality worlds. These false reality worlds are created to trick the American public into acting not in their own best interest but in the best interest of a group of subtle fascists intent on creating one world order under their control.

Have you ever noticed anything missing from any books in the Library? Many History books are written by Council on Foreign Relations members. They talk of numerous cover-ups and covert operations. Many of the people mentioned in the books are Council on Foreign Relations members. Conspicuously absent from the History is connection of the characters relationship to the CFR.

For example, CFR member David Halberstam wrote a book called The Next Century. In it Halberstam analyzes Japan's rise from a war shattered nation to a preeminent economic power. Most of the men Halberstam talks about are Council on Foreign Relations members. Halberstam is a CFR member. He also is a Pulitzer Prize wining NY Times reporter. Halberstam didn't fight in Viet Nam, he served his time in the war earning his reputation as a reporter. I was always under the impression that reporters told the truth. I have learned I was deceived. It appears that the most eminent reporters are withholding the truth and revising History. Was one of the reasons the Viet Nam war took place and lasted so long because the American people were lied to by reporters covering the war?

Other Council on Foreign Relations members guilty of the same tactic of deception include: Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Robin Winks, Richard E. Neustadt, Ernest R. May, Walter Lippmann, George Kennan, and John Kenneth Galbraith. Did Council on Foreign Relations members George Kennan, Walter Lippmann, and Arthur Krock, participate in a psycho-political operation to force the acceptance of the Marshall plan on the American Public?

One way they are doing this is by legislating immoral actions. A psychological warfare technique used to demoralize an enemy is to attack the faith of your enemy. What better way to attack a people's faith then to confuse them about the ethics and morals that guide that faith. If murder is made legal is it no longer a sin to commit murder?

The American Round Table branch, The Council on Foreign Relations, has about 3000 members. The following 121 are a partial listing of CFR members in the media. There are less then 10 women on the list. This is no accident. The Council on Foreign Relations is sexist and racist.

Once upon a time in Germany a group called the Nazi's rounded up citizens and murdered them. Other German citizens were so frightened by the Nazi's they pretended not to see what was happening to their neighbors. Is the press in your country so frightened by the Round Table Group your journalists and photo-journalists have become a group of "Not-Sees."? Or, are your journalists and photo-journalists "Not-Sees" because they can make more money being dishonest then they can from being honest?


2 Peter 2:1



1. William Paley

2. William Burden

3. Roswell Gilpatric

4. Henry Schact

5. Manetta Tree Collingwood

6. Lawrence LeSuer

7. Dan Rather

8. Harry Reasoner

9. Richard Hottelet

10. Frank Stanton

11. Bill Moyers


12. Jane Pfeiffer

13. Lester Crystal

14. W. Sonnenfeldt Bradshaw

15. John Petty

16. David Brinkley

17. John Chancellor

18. Marvin Kalb

19. Irvine Levine

20. Peterson John Sawhill


21. Ray Adam

22. Frank Cary Macioce

23. Ted Koppel

24. John Scali

25. Barbara Walters


26, Daniel Schorr


27. Hartford Gunn

28. Robert McNeil

29. Jim Lehrer

30. Charlayne Hunter-Gault

31. Hodding Carter III


32. Keith Fuller

33. Stanley Swinton

34. Louis Boccardi

35. Harold Anderson


36. Michael Posner


37. David Rogers


38. Tom Johnson

39. Joseph Kraft


40. Richard W. Murphy

41. Charles A. Kupchan

42. . Michael Clough

43. Zygmunt Nagorski

44. Nancy Bodurtha

45. Richard T. Childress

46. Carl W. Ford Jr..

47. Nomsa Daniels

48. Alton Frye

49. Gregory F. Treverton


50. Jessica Mathew

51. Michael Mandelbaum

52. Richard N. Haass

53. Richard W. Murphy

54. John L. Hirsch

55. Alexander J. Motyl

56. Nicholas X. Rizopoulos.

57. Alan D. Romberg.

58. Gidion Gottlieb

59. Charles A. Kupchan


60. Henry Trewhitt


61. James Hoge


62. John Cowles Jr.


63. William P. Hobby


64. Richard Gelb

65. James Reston

66. William Scranton Rosenthal

67. Seymour Topping

68. James Greenfield

69. Max Frankel

70. Jack Rosenthal

71. Harding Bancroft

72. Amory Bradford

73. Orvil Dryfoos

74. David Halberstram

75. Walter Lippmann

76. Markel. Matthews

77. John Oakes

78. Harrison Salisbury

79. Hays Sulzberger

80. Ochs Sulzberger

81. SulzbergerSmith

82. Steven Rattner

83. Richard Burt


86. Ralph Davidson

85. Donald M. Wilson

86. Louis Banks

87. Henry Grunwald

88. Alexander Herard

89. Sol Lionwitz

90. Rawleigh Warner Jr.

91. Thomas Watson Jr.


92. Katherine Graham

93. Philip Graham

94. Arjay Miller TC

95. deB. Katzenbach

96. Frederick Beebe

97. Robert Christopher

98. De Borchgrave

99. Osborne Elliot

100. Phillipo Geyelin

101. Kermit Lausner

102. Murry Marder

103. Eugene Meyer

104. Malcolm Muir

105. Maynard Parker

106. George Will

107. Robert Kaiser

108. Meg Greenfield

109. Walter Pincus

110. Murray Gart

111. Peter Osnos

112. Don Oberdorfer

DOW JONES & CO. (Wall Street Journal)

113. William Agee

114. Paul Austin

115. TC Charles Meyer

116. Robert Potter

117. Richard Wood

118. Robert Bartley

119. Karen House


120. Wm. F. Buckley Jr.

121. Richard Brookhiser.

[1] Quigley, Carroll, The World Since 1939: A History, Collier Books, New York, Collier Macmillan Ltd., London, Originally published as Part II Tragedy and Hope, pg 302-304 2Quigley, Carroll, The World Since 1939: A History, Collier Books, New York, Collier Macmillan Ltd., London, Originally published as Part II Tragedy and Hope, pg 303 3Quigley, Carroll, The World Since 1939: A History, Collier Books, New York, Collier Macmillan Ltd., London, Originally published as Part II Tragedy and Hope, pg 303-306 4Quigley, Carroll, The World Since 1939: A History, Collier Books, New York, Collier Macmillan Ltd., London, Originally published as Part II Tragedy and Hope, pg 305 5Quigley, Carroll, The World Since 1939: A History, Collier Books, New York, Collier Macmillan Ltd., London, Originally published as Part II Tragedy and Hope, pg 305,308 6Dictionary of American Biography, Supplement Five, 1951-55, Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1981, pg. 155-56
