Council on Foreign Relations Special Group Declares War!

Reuter's reported that early on December 16, 1998, Council on Foreign Relations Special Group members President William Jefferson Clinton, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, and Secretary of Defense William Cohen met to discuss attacking Iraq.

The article quotes Ken Bacon, a Pentagon spokesman, as saying Clinton had full moral responsibility and authority to make any decision on Iraq policy, despite impeachment proceedings. "The president is the commander-in-chief (of the armed forces)," Bacon said. "I think that he has the full authority given under the Constitution to take any action he needs to take in protection of our national interest, whatever he decides that is."

Someone should tell Pentagon Spokesman Bacon that Congress, not President Clinton is responsible for declaring war. The Constitution of the United States Article 1, Section 8, states, "the Congress shall have Power to declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water." If President Clinton thinks our national interests are in need of protection, shouldn't he put the matter before Congress?

The Council on Foreign Relations runs the State Department and the CIA. At least five Presidents (Eisenhower, Ford, Carter, Bush, and Clinton) have been members of the Council on Foreign Relations. The Council on Foreign Relations has packed every Supreme court with Council on Foreign Relations insiders. Three Council on Foreign Relations members (Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Sandra Day O'Connor, and Stephen Breyer) sit on the supreme court. The Council on Foreign Relations's British Counterpart is the Royal Institute of International Affairs. The members of these groups profit by creating tension and hate. Their targets include British and American citizens.

The Council on Foreign Relations has only 3000 members yet controls over three-quarters of the nations wealth. Council on Foreign Relations members make up a "Secret Team" that occupy the top positions in the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government; who control the broadcasting and news agencies; who head the largest law firms; who direct the largest private foundations and universities; and who hold top commands in the military.

The Council on Foreign Relations has placed 100 Council on Foreign Relations "Secret Team" members in every Presidential Administration since Woodrow Wilson. They work together to misinform and disinform the President to act in the best interest of the Council on Foreign Relations not the best interest of the American People. The "Secret Team" help carry out psycho-political operations scripted by Council on Foreign Relations members in the state department and the Intelligence Organizations.

The Council on Foreign Relations "Secret Team" is structured as circles within circles. The psycho-political operations are coordinated by an inner circle of Council on Foreign Relations members called the Special Group. The Special Group evolved from the Psychological Strategy Board. Psycho-political operations are structured so Council on Foreign Relations sponsorship of an operation can be kept secret. The part played by a "Secret Team" member is often kept secret from "Secret Team" members. This allows the "Secret Team" member to deny participation in the operation.

President Truman issued an executive order establishing the Psychological Strategy Board. The Board was run by Council on Foreign Relations members Gordon Gray and Henry Kissinger. The PSB has close ties to the State Department and Intelligence Organizations. The purpose of the PSB was to co-ordinate psycho-political operations. Many of those operations were focused at Americans. The people became wary of the Psychological Strategy Board. Eisenhower issued an executive order changing its name to the Operations Coordination Board. The OCB was a bigger more powerful PSB. Gray and Kissinger ran the OCB too. President Kennedy abolished the OCB. It became an ad hoc committee called the "Special Group," which exists today. The PSB/OCB/Special Group always has Council on Foreign Relations members running and sitting on it. Since the Special Group was not formed by Executive Order it cannot be abolished. A list of Council on Foreign Relations members in the Clinton administrations special group and secret team is posted on the RoundTable website at [ ].

The INQUIRY was America's first Central Intelligence Agency. Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter, and Woodrow Wilson's close political advisor and friend, Edward Mandel House, suggested the idea to Wilson. House became the INQUIRY's first director, Lippmann was House's first recruit. The existence of the INQUIRY such a well kept secret, that to this day hardly any Americans have heard of the INQUIRY or are aware that it ever existed. Wilson paid for the INQUIRY from the President's Fund for National Safety and Defense. He directed that it not be housed in Washington. A remote room in the New York Public Library was its first office. Later it moved to offices in the American Geographical Society at West 155th Street and Broadway. James T. Shotwell, a Columbia University historian and an early recruit came up with the agency name the INQUIRY, which, he said, would be a "blind to the general public, but would serve to identify it among the initiated." Shotwell probably chose the name because the word History is derived from the a Greek word meaning "a learning by inquiry." Ironically the INQUIRY would use psychological warfare techniques to warp history by stressing favorable and unfavorable truths and leaving out facts completely to shape public opinion to support INQUIRY goals.

The INQUIRY and its members wrote most of Woodrow Wilson's 14 points. Many of the members of the INQUIRY and the US State department delegates at the Paris Peace conference belonged to the American branch of a secret society founded by the English imperialist Cecil Rhodes. At the Paris Peace conference they traded off most of the 14 points to establish the League of Nations. After the conference they attended a meeting at the Hotel Majestic and become the founding fathers of the Council on Foreign Relations. Woodrow Wilson caught on to the betrayal and was so upset that he suffered a stroke and refused to speak to Edward Mandel House ever again. The American people didn't want to belong to an organization that could force them to go to war and would be turned into an international police force. America would never join the League of Nations.

On September 12, 1939, the Council on Foreign Relations began to take control of the Department of State. On that day Hamilton Fish Armstrong, Editor of Foreign Affairs, and Walter H. Mallory, Executive Director of the Council on Foreign Relations, paid a visit to the State Department. The Council proposed forming groups of experts to proceed with research in the general areas of Security, Armament, Economic, Political, and Territorial problems. The State Department accepted the proposal. The project (1939-1945) was called Council on Foreign Relations War and Peace Studies. Hamilton Fish Armstrong was Executive director.

In February 1941 the CFR officially became part of the State Department. The Department of State established the Division of Special Research. It was organized just like the Council on Foreign Relations War and Peace Studies project. It was divided into Economic, Political, Territorial, and Security Sections. The Research Secretaries serving with the Council groups were hired by the State Department to work in the new division. These men also were permitted to continue serving as Research Secretaries to their respective Council groups. Leo Pasvolsky was appointed Director of Research.

In 1942 the relationship between the Department of State and the Council on Foreign Relations strengthened again. The Department organized an Advisory Committee on Postwar Foreign Policies. The Chairman was Secretary Cordell Hull, the vice chairman, Under Secretary Sumner Wells, Dr. Leo Pasvolsky ( director of the Division of Special Research) was appointed Executive Officer. Several experts were brought in from outside the Department. The outside experts were Council on Foreign Relations War and Peace Studies members; Hamilton Fish Armstrong, Isaiah Bowman, Benjamin V. Cohen, Norman H. Davis, and James T. Shotwell.

In total there were 362 meetings of the War and Peace Studies groups. The meetings were held at Council on Foreign Relations headquarters -- the Harold Pratt house, Fifty-Eight East Sixty-Eighth Street, New York City. The Council's wartime work was confidential. Council on Foreign Relations founding father Isaiah Bowman wrote, "The matter is strictly confidential because the whole plan would be 'ditched' if it became generally known that the State Department is working in collaboration with any outside group." The Rockefeller Foundation funded the project with nearly $350,000.

In 1945 the Council's goal of establishing a League of Nations would be realized when the War and Peace Study group members actively participated in the preparing for and attending the San Francisco conference to establish the United Nations. This time the American people weren't asked whether or not they wanted to join.

Mention of the Council on Foreign Relations was conspicuously absent from the Reuters article that follows:

>U.S. Forces Awaiting Any Order To Attack Iraq




> By Charles Aldinger


> WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. bombers and warships armed with more than 400 cruise missiles stood ready in the Gulf Wednesday and defense officials said they were awaiting an expected order from [Council on Foreign Relations member ] President Clinton to strike Iraq.


> The officials, who asked not to be identified, told Reuters that any strike by U.S. forces could come quickly in response to a new U.N. report Tuesday that Iraq had broken its promise to cooperate with arms inspections.


> "I would say, personally speaking, that such a move is very likely without any warning. But I am not aware of any order now," said one official.


> A White House spokesman said [Council on Foreign Relations member ] Clinton presided over an early morning meeting attended by Secretary of State [Council on Foreign Relations member ] Madeleine Albright, Secretary of Defense [Council on Foreign Relations member ] William Cohen and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Army Gen. Henry Shelton.


> The decision over whether to strike at Iraqi President Saddam Hussein was being seen in the light of other major concerns pressing on [Council on Foreign Relations member] Clinton, including his looming impeachment by the House of Representatives and the crisis in the Middle East peace process.


> [Council on Foreign Relations member ] Clinton, just returned from a grueling trip to Israel, had been expected to spend the day trying to rally support against impeachment on charges arising from his affair with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky. The House was expected to vote Thursday or Friday, but congressional sources said Republicans discussed whether they would go ahead with the vote if bombing started.


> U.S. officials said more than 200 aircraft and 20 warships, including 15 B-52 bombers, were deployed in the Gulf region carrying hundreds of cruise missiles and other bombs.


> White House spokesman P.J. Crowley said the foreign policy advisers arrived at the White House at about 7 a.m. EST (1200 GMT) for the meeting, which lasted for an hour. He could not say how long [Council on Foreign Relations member] Clinton participated in the session.


> "They discussed the situation in Iraq," Crowley said, declining to give further details.


> Earlier Wednesday, another U.S. official said that U.S. officials would have to study the U.N. report to decide "appropriate next steps" adding: "I don't want to foreshadow the use of force one way or the other."


> The U.N. Special Commission (UNSCOM) Tuesday reported that Baghdad was not cooperating with its inspections meant to eliminate Iraq's weapons of mass destruction, a situation that U.S. officials described as "very serious."


> Oil prices jumped on world markets following reports of a possible attack. In the opening minutes of trading in New York, oil futures rose 70 cents to $12.25 a barrel.


> In mid-November, U.S. and British forces were on the verge of massive bombing attacks on Iraq. The attacks were called off at the last minute after Saddam reversed Baghdad's Oct. 31 refusal to cooperate with U.N. weapons inspectors.


> U.S. officials said then that if Saddam went back again on his pledge to allow free inspections there would be no further warning.


> The only indication of an impending attack, one senior official said, would be the withdrawal of UNSCOM personnel.


> Butler concluded Tuesday that Iraq had failed to restore full cooperation with his weapons experts.


> "Iraq's conduct ensured that no progress was able to be made in either the fields of disarmament or account for its prohibited weapons programs," he said in a sharp report to U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan and the Security Council.


> U.N. weapons inspectors were evacuated abruptly from Iraq to Bahrain Wednesday, and all of the world body's international staff have now left Iraq, a U.N. official said.


> There has been no other sign of an impending strike ahead of the month-long Muslim holy observance of Ramadan, which begins this weekend.


> Pentagon officials declined to say whether [Council on Foreign Relations member ] Cohen was considering changing plans to travel to Brussels later in the day to attend an important two-day meeting of NATO defense ministers on the alliance's future strategy.


> The Pentagon said the force in the Gulf region included 15 heavy B-52 bombers armed with air-launched cruise missiles on the Indian Ocean island of Diego Garcia, and eight cruisers and destroyers capable of firing Tomahawk cruise missiles.


> Also in the Gulf armada was the aircraft carrier Enterprise. Britain, a strong supporter of the U.S. position on Iraq, has several warships and at least a dozen Tornado attack jets based in the Gulf.


> In addition to more than 200 U.S. warplanes and support aircraft, including those on the Enterprise and at bases in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and other moderate Gulf states, the aircraft carrier Carl Vinson is scheduled to arrive in the Gulf within days to replace the Enterprise.


> The Navy alone has more than 350 Tomahawk missiles stockpiled in the Gulf region, a package that could cause major damage to Iraqi military targets.


> Eight of the 15 B-52s on Diego Garcia arrived only days ago to replace the seven others in a normal rotation. That rotation is not scheduled to be completed until next week. Each of the planes can carry up to 20 long-range cruise missiles.


> Four swing-wing B-1 heavy bombers are also based in Oman and dozens of F-15, F-16 and A-10 attack jets in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.


> Pentagon spokesman Ken Bacon told reporters Tuesday that the United States had 24,100 military personnel in the Gulf region.


> Responding to questions, Bacon stressed that despite the impeachment proceedings [Council on Foreign Relations member ]Clinton had full moral responsibility and authority to make any decision on Iraq policy.


> "The president [Council on Foreign Relations member Clinton] is the commander-in-chief (of the armed forces)," Bacon said. "I think that he has the full authority given under the Constitution to take any action he needs to take in protection of our national interest, whatever he decides that is."

Isn't it time to contact your congressional representative and ask him to investigate the Council on Foreign Relations?



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Title-50 War and National Defense § 783 states - "It shall be unlawful for any person knowingly to combine, conspire, or agree with any other person to perform any act which would substantially contribute to the establishment within the United States of a totalitarian dictatorship, the direction and control of which is to be vested in, or exercised by or under the domination of control of, any foreign government."

The Council on Foreign Relations are in violation of Title-50 War and National Defense § 783. The Council on Foreign Relations has unlawfully and knowingly combined, conspired, and agreed to substantially contribute to the establishment of one world order under the totalitarian dictatorship, the direction and the control of members of Council on Foreign Relations, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, and members of their branch organizations in various nations throughout the world. That is totalitarianism on a global scale.