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Bilderberg Conferences

1995 Bilderberg Conference - June 8-11th, Zurich, Switzerland

[This site campaigns for a press conference at all Bilderberg venues - and a declaration from the steering committee that any consensus reached must be in our public, not their private interest]

List of Bilderberg 95 Attendees

Alberta Report / Western Report, May 29, 1995 - Pass the Cocktail Weenies, M'lord

Some articles from the 1993 conference

List of Bilderberg 95 Attendees

[Do see article on Blair's attendance at Turnberry 1998 for the significance, or otherwise, of this list]

The following attended Bilderberg 95 in Zurich, Switzerland, June 8-11, 1995.

Chairman etc.

Peter Carrington, Chair Fmr Sec Gn NATO
Victor Halberstadt, Prof Leiden
Casimir Yost, Director, Georgetown Foreign Service School


Josef Ackermann, Pres. Credit Suisse
G.Agnelli, Chair, Fiat
Umberto Agnelli,
Martti Ahtisarri President, Finland
Paul Allaire, Chair, Xerox
Luis Amaral, Min Energy, Portugal
Dwayne Andreas, Chair, ADM
Francisco Balsemao, Fmr Prime Min Portugal
Percy Barnevick, CEO, Asea Brown Boveri
Lloyd Bentson, Fmr Sec Treasury
Cristoph Bertram Fmr Dir Intl Instit Intl Studies
Selhattin Beyazit, Director of Companies, Turkey
Bjorn Bjarnasson, Min Culture and Ed, Iceland
Ritt BJerregaard, Cmsr. Eurp Communities
Conrad Black, Chairman The Telegraph plc.
Cem Boyner, Chair New Democracy Movement Turkey
Hans van den Broek, Cmsr. Europ Com
E. John P Browne CEO BP Petroleum
John Bryan, CEO Sara Lee
Costas Garas, Dir of Companies Greece
Maria Carrilho Prof of Sociology Portugal
Jaime Urquijo, Iberfomento Spain
Adriana Ceretelli journalist Brussels
Hikmet Cetin Dep Pr Min Turkey
Wiley Claes Sec Gen NATO
Jon Corzine Chair Goldman Sachs
Flavio Cotti, For. Min. Switzerland
Ted CoulOumbis, Pres. Greek Foreign Policy Institute
Devon Cross Head Donner Canadian Foundation
Jose Cutilero Sec Gen, Western Euro Union
Ken Dam Fmr Dep Sec of State
Etienne Davignon Chair, Societe General de Belgiuque; Fmr Vice Chair EC
Lynn Davis Undersecretary for Arms Control and Intl Security Affairs Dept of State USA
Jean Delamuraz VP Fed Council Econ Min Switz.
Mario Draghi, Treasury Director Italy
Marie Drouin Exec Dir Hudson Institute of Canada
Uffe Jensen Fmr Min Foreign Affairs Germany
Thomas Foley Fmr Speaker of House of Rep. USA
Walter Frehner, Chair Swiss Bank Corp
Thomas Freidman For Affairs journalist NY Times
Fritz Gerber, Chair, CEO Hoffman La Roche
David Gergen, Fmr Advisor to Clinton and Reagan, Fellow Aspen Institute
Dermot Gleeson Attorney General of Ireland
JohnJ Glossens, CEO Belgacom
Allen Gotlieb, Fmr Canadian Amb to US
David Hannay, UK Amb to UN
Jukka Harmaja, CEO, Enzo Gutzeit Oy, Finland
Hans Heckmann Vice Chair Union Bank of Switzerland
Westye Hoegh Chair, Norwegian Shipowners
Richard Holbrooke, Asst Sec of State for Euro and Canad US State Dept
Jaakko Iloniemi, Fmr Finnish Amb to USA
Phillipe Jaffre, CEO Elf Acquataine
Daniel Janssen, Chair, Solvay Belgium
Peter Jennings Anchor ABC News USA
Vernan Jordan, Snr. Partner Akin, Gump, Strauss Washington DC
Peter Kann, Chair, CEO Dow Jones, Wall Street Journal
Hans Peter Keitel Chair Hochtief AG
Rob Kimmet Dir Lehmann Bros Fmr Usec State For Affairs
Henry Kissinger - Fmr Sec of State
Ralph Klein Premier of Alberta
Andrew Knight Director News Corp.
Max Kohnstamm, Fmr pres. Euro Univ Institute
Hilmarr Kopper, Man Dir. Deutche Bank AG
Pieter Korteweg CEO Robeco Group, Treasurer Bilderberg
Max Kothbauer, Dep Chair Creditanstalt Bankverein
Alex Krauer, Chair, Ciba Geigy
William Kristol, Chair, Project for a Republican Future USA
Karl Lamers Foreign Affairs Germany
Norman Lamont, MP, Fmr Chan Excq, Director of N.M. Rothschild
Andre Levy Lang Chair Bank Paribas
Francisco Lopez', CEO Argentaria
Alexander Maculan, Chair Maculan Holdings AG
Serif Mardin Chair Islamic Studies American Univ Wash DC
Bjorn Mattsson CEO Cultor, Ltd.Finland
Helmut Maucher Chair, Nestle Ltd.
Thierry de Montbrial, Dir French Ecole Polytechnique
J. Frase Mustard, President Canadian Institute for Avanced Research
Beatrix of Orange-Nassau, Queen of Netherlands
Andrej Olechowski Fmr For Min Poland
Geo Papandreau Min of Ed Greece
Arno Penzias VP Research Bell Labs
Hans Fredeich von Ploetz For. Affairs Germany
J Robert Pritchard Pres, Univ. of Toronto
David de Pury Co Chair ABB Group
Giles Radice Chairman of Euro Movement MP
David Rockerfeller Chair Chase Intl Advisory Comm.
Eric Roll, Pres. SG Warburg
Emma Rothschild, Dir Ctr for History and Economics Cambridge
Renato Ruggiero, Dir Gen WTO
Francoise Sampermans, Chair Groupe Express France
Stephan Schmidheiny, Chair Anova Holdings Iceland
Jurgens Schrempp, Chair Daimler Benz AG
Wolfgang Schurer, Chair MS Management Ag Switz
Klaus Schwabb Pre,s, World Economic Forum
Toger Seidenfaden Ed in Chief Politiken Denmark
Jack Sheinkman President, Amalgamated Textile Workers AFL CIO
Nancy Soderberg, Dep Asst to President for NSA
H Dennis Stevenson Chair, SRU group UK
Thorveld Stoltenberg, Co Chair Steering Committee on Fmr Yugoslavia
Peter Sutherland, Fmr Dir Gen WTO
King of Sweden
J Martin Taylor, CEO Barclays Bank plc
Jean Claude Trichet Gov Banque de France
Federico Tigueroa VP Spain
Ines Uusmann - Min of Trans and Comm Sweden
Gunther Verheugen - Sec Gen Social Democratic Party Germany
Pertti Voutilainen - Primerita Bank Finland
Franz Vranitsky - Federal Chancellor Austria
Karel Vuursteen - Chair, Heineken Holland
William Waldegrave -Min of Agric UK
Jacques Wallage - Leader Labor Party Holland
Stanley Weiss - Chairman, Business Executives for National security, Inc.
John C Whitehead - Fmr Dep Sec of State
James D Wolfensohn - President, World Bank
Otto Wolff von Amerongen - CEO, Otto Wolf GmbH
Paul Wolfowitz - Fmr uSec of Defense for Policy


Ralph Klein Premier of Alberta
Andrew Knight Director News Corp.


Alberta Report / Western Report, May 29, 1995

By Davis Shermata

Ralph gets invited to the swanky Bilderberg summit. It's a long way from Calgary's St. Louis Hotel to Zurich, Switzerland, but Premier Ralph Klein has made the jump. Alberta's premier is the only Canadian politician invited to next month's annual Bilderberg summit, attended by 100 world leaders in business, government and media. But while Mr. Klein sees the visit as a chance to promote Alberta, conspiracy theorists see more sinister motives.

The premier was invited by Canadian publishing giant Conrad Black, an admirer of Mr. Klein's spending cuts. The summit has been held under top-secret conditions since Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands convened the first one at the Bilderberg Hotel in Oosterbeek, Holland in 1954.

Last year's conference invited such luminaries as former NATO secretary-general Lord Carrington and former U.S. secretary of state Henry Kissinger to discuss political and economic issues. But while Mr. Klein sees the trip as a "golden opportunity to talk about the Alberta Advantage," in the words of assistant Rod Love, suspicious minds like Alan Cruikshank's envision it as a plot to break up Canada. Mr. Cruikshank, president of the Edmonton Strathcona Social Credit Association, refers to recent comments by Mr. Black in Foreign Affairs magazine, in which the media baron says his vision of Canada includes Quebec as a sovereign state and western Canada as part of the United States. Mr. Klein "may visualize himself as the governor of the 51st State," Mr. Cruikshank speculates.

Mr. Klein's office wouldn't comment, but Klein associate and Calgary alderman Sue Higgins disagrees with Mr. Cruikshank. "Anyone spewing that is smoking something strange," she says. "If those movers and shakers invited me over I'd get my butt there as soon as possible. I wonder if they'll be serving beer."

Source: Alberta Report / Western Report, 5/29/95, Vol. 22 Issue 24, p11, 1/3p, 1bw.

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