Tony Gosling

Freelance radio journalist/editor - Four years of radio newsroom experience
Co-founder, with Tom Trevor, of Bristol's annual Tony Benn Journalism lecture
General news plus expert in censorship, terrorism, religious hate and the secret state
Broadcast quality, fast turn-round, production, presenting, scripting & editing
You can book me for a secret government or media power presentation
** I am unwaged and seeking work - not in full-time paid employment **

Tony Gosling c/o PRSC, 17-25 Jamaica Street, BRISTOL,BS2 8JP,England.
Mobile: +44 (0)7786 952037 [Mon-Thu. 10:00-18:00 GMT - with SMS]
Fax: +44 (0)117 942 0164 [for my attention, shared fax]

My weekly Politics show & Investigative reports Fri 5-7pm on BCfm
Bristol & District Anti-Cuts Alliance manifesto, plus Bristol's weekly Dialect podcast
War on Freedom: my latest comments, talks and TV appearances
London Bombings cover-up: Jul10 on Press TV, Jul09 on BBC2, Dr Naseem and other videos
Peace links: Abolition of War - Iraq veterans - Banking Scams

Moses said God's only son would die for you - panoramic illustration
Rare/classic documentary films and videos available

My most controversial research is at & I'm editor of UK 9/11 forum

The All Seeing Eye publishes my and others', usually Bristol, public interest stories
The All Seeing Eye - News from Cabot Tower - Bristol
it is updated occasionally

Definition of the Public Interest (1)

Resolution 129 at the 2001 Annual Delegate Meeting of the National Union of Journalists

1. The Public interest includes
a) Detecting or exposing crime or a serious misdemeanor.
b) Protecting public health and safety.
c) Preventing the public from being misled by some statement or action of an individual or organisation.
d) Exposing misuse of public funds or other forms of corruption by public bodies.
e) Revealing potential conflicts of interest by those in positions of power and influence.
f) Exposing corporate greed.
g) Exposing hypocritical behaviour by those holding high office.

2. There is a public interest in the freedom of expression itself.

3. In cases involving children, journalists must demonstrate an exceptional public interest to over-ride the normally paramount interests of the child.

Definition of the Public Interest (2)

Editors' Code of Practice, 2004 - framed by the newspaper and periodical industry and ratified by the Press Complaints Commission on 28 April 2004

1. The public interest includes, but is not confined to:

i) Detecting or exposing crime or serious impropriety.

ii) Protecting public health and safety.

iii) Preventing the public from being misled by an action or statement of an individual or organisation.

2. There is a public interest in freedom of expression itself.

3. Whenever the public interest is invoked, the PCC will require editors to demonstrate fully how the public interest was served.

4. The PCC will consider the extent to which material is already in the public domain, or will become so.

5. In cases involving children under 16, editors must demonstrate an exceptional public interest to override the normally paramount interest of the child.

The full Editors code can be found on the PCC website

but... Editors and journalists can be excluded from the BBC... In the 'public interest'

"If and whenever in the opinion of the Secretary of State an emergency shall have arisen in which it is expedient in the public interest that Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom shall have control over the broadcasting or transmission of any matter whatsoever by means of the stations or any of them, it shall be lawful for the Secretary of State to direct and cause the stations or any of them or any part thereof to be taken possession of in the name and on behalf of Her Majesty and to prevent the Corporation from using them, and also to cause the stations or any of them or any part thereof to be used for Her Majesty's service, or to take such other steps as he may think fit to secure control over the stations or any of them, and in that event any person authorised by the Secretary of State may enter upon the stations or any of them and the offices and works of the Corporation or any of them and take possession thereof and use the same as aforesaid."
Section 8.3 - BBC Agreement - Department of National Heritage 1995

As an onetime BBC Radio reporter (GLR, Solent, Wiltshire Sound see bio.) - I was shocked to discover that, under some circumstances, government ministers have the right to bar BBC journalists from their workplace. Replacing them with government 'officials'. This is the sort of thing one might expect in a Stalinist or fascist dictatorship - but never in a democracy.

Bullying in the BBC: NUJ Targets the bullies

My Work

The Land Is Ours -
Ecovillage Network UK -
My research into elitism, state terrorism, current affairs and the abuse of power -

On this Website

Newspeak: Suicide Bomber -
Democracy For A Change
The Manor eco-village initiative
Bristol Housing Action Movement -
The Bristol Broadband Co-operative -
Ghost village of Imber on Salisbury Plain -
Sayanim - Bristol (UK)'s Zionist Disrupters
Censored Diana's suspicious death material -
National Union of Journalists - Bristol branch -
QinetiQ - checklist of UK Privatised Military bases
Tony Gosling - My Uploaded Videos for you to watch -
List of top British freemasons from masonic yearbooks -

Appeal under the data protection act to see my Security File

My Information Tribunal (MI5) appeal -
Judgement by Sir Anthony Evans -
Information Tribunal's DCA web page -
Ex-GCHQ Philip Hilton's appeal to see his security file

Some of my articles & scribblings

David Shayler's Class War Files -
10Oct01 - The Bristol newspaper monopoly -
06Oct00 - Inside Bristol freemason's hall -
The Day the BBC Died? -

Some of my research

Skull and Bones, the Bush family cult - similarities with Hitler's SS -
Secretive apex of the global banking system -
Proofs of a cospiracy, John Robison -
War on Freedom: latest news -

Godless Politics? Godless Religion?
Don't get stuck in the middle - Dust off your Bible

The Evening Pest - The Bristolian